Archendale (ARK-hen-dale)

AT A GLANCE: This small, isolated
rocky gorge carries the river Arkhen
from the Thunder Peaks down to the
sea at Selgaunt, producing a beautiful
valley of ferns, lilies, mosses and clear
pools. There are scattered farms and
orchards along the valley floor, but no
central market or square.

ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Archendale is
home to aggressive traders (see
SESSRENDALE) who operate from <no entry for Sessrendale could be found!>
Moonsea to Dragonmere and beyond.
The Orchards provide rich fruit which
commands a good price in Sembia. In
addition, freshwater crabs, regarded as
a delicacy in Archendale, live in the
pools there.

Archendale is ruled by three officers
known as Swords; a Black Sword, a Red
Sword, and a Blue Sword. The Swords
are deliberately mysterious, and usually
speak through officers of the
Archendale army.

Archendale society has been formed
by a long and proud history, tainted by
long-lasting grudges and many-layered
intrigue. Its people tend to be haughty,
even among other Dalesmen, short-tempered,
and vain. It is considered a
fine place to trade but a poor neighborhood
to live in.

army consists of six "rides" of 60 men
per ride, for a total regular force of 360
men. These are mounted forces of men-at-
arms, dressed in chain and carrying
swords, lance, and composite bow.
Each ride has has a "ridemaster" of fifth
level or higher. In addition, the traders
of Archendale have used their wealth in
the past to hire mercenary troops and
spell-casters when the need arises.
The identities of the Swords are
unknown, and may be any of the"ridemasters"
or holders of some other position
in the Dale. Inquiries into such
matters meet a blank (and effete) stare
from natives, and it is surmised that
they themselves do not know the identities
of the Swords.

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