Archveult's Skybolt (Alteration)

Level: 4
Range: 1"/level
Duration: 2 rounds
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 4 segments
Saving Throw: ½
UW: No

This spell
requires a crystal, a faceted gem,
quartz, or cut glass -- of at least an inch
in length.

The spellcaster throws the
crystal at a target creature or area
while speaking the final words of the
spell, and its path creates a glowing
"bolt" in the air similar in appearance to
Tulrun's tracer (q.v.). The bolt is four
feet in diameter, begins 1" from the
caster, and extends onward to a maximum
length of 1" per level of the caster.

The bolt will not materialize underwater,
and ends where the crystal strikes
water, strikes any barrier, or passes
beyond the caster's range. (The crystal
is consumed instantly, in a burst, if it
passes beyond the caster's maximum
range, and is otherwise consumed at
the expiration of the spell.)

Any living
thing coming into contact with the bolt
will suffer 1-4 hit points of shock damage
per level or hit dice it possesses
(ignoring additions; a 5 + 5 hit dice monster
would take 5-20 just as one of 5 hit
dice would).

A hit roll, with any modifications
for missile-weapon ranges, is
made when the spell is cast; refer to
Grenade-Like Missiles: Misses Location
Table, DMG p. 64, if a miss is indicated a
creature struck by the crystal suffers 1-
6 points of damage per level or hit dice
it possesses. The creature may grasp
the crystal and hurl it back at the caster,
and the bolt will continue to form to the
limit of the caster's range (so that a caster
may be struck by his or her own
bolt], but when directly grasping the
crystal, any creature will suffer a further
1-6 hit points of damage per level
or hit dice it possesses and must make a
system shock survival roll.

A skybolt lasts for two rounds after
its casting.

It can be destroyed in whole
or in part by contact with an anti-magic
shell, wall of force, shield, or similar
spells, dispel magic, or gust of wind. It
cannot be deflected, grounded, or insulated
against. It will not conduct
through metallic substances, but note
that armor that is not airtight will not
negate the effects of a skybolt. Creatures
and nonmagical objects entering
the skybolt will not deflect, negate, or
sever it. A crystal entering an area of
magical protection which does not
allow formation of the bolt is instantly
rendered harmless.
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