Body Sympathy (Death Link) (Necromantic)

Level: 8
Range: Special
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 8 segments
Saving Throw: Special

This is a spell cast by a magic-user
at an enemy who must be within sight
of the magic-user and concentrated
upon, or if not within view, visualized
by the caster, who must speak the target
being's true name (see truename
spell, UA) during the

It links the magic-user and his
chosen victim (who must save vs. spell
at - 4 to avoid the spell's effects), so that
whatever happens to the magic-user?s
body (i.e., drowning, burning, whipping,
wounding, strangulation, charming,
or feeblemindedness, insanity,
unconsciousness, etc.) happens to the
victim; if the caster dies, so too does the
victim. This is not similar to the ESP
spell (neither being gains any hint of the
other's thoughts), nor does it make the
victim mimic the movements and
speech of the caster. It is a two-way link;
damage occurring separately to the victim
(or curative spells applied to the victim!)
will also occur to the body of the
caster. Once cast, the spell operates
regardless of the caster's wishes or lack
of concentration--he or she cannot
willingly break the link before expiration
of the spell, and can engage in other
spell casting or activities without
ending the body sympathy. The link will
work across any distance and despite
magical protections such as anti-magic
shell, prismatic sphere or lesser barriers,
but will not work from one plane to
another (so if either caster or victim
plane shift, become astral, or employ oil
of etherealness or another such item,
the link is instantly broken). Movement
of target or spellcaster within a given
plane will not affect the link, regardless
of distances moved, speed of travel, or
how often movement occurs. This spell
is sometimes called "Death Link" by
sages in the Realms.
The Alcaister - - - Books of the Forgotten Realms

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