Catfeet (Alteration)

A of E: 1 pair of feet (self)
CT 1/6 segment

This personal cantrip, enacted by making a
stroking motion with the fingers of one
hand, acts upon the caster (and cannot
be made to affect another person) for
one round (plus one additional round
per experience level of the caster, above
the first level).

Movements or the
weight (tread) of the caster's feet,
regardless of the surface being walked
upon or climbed, are rendered silent.

This does not cloak any other sounds
made by the caster, such as breathing,
the swish of clothing, sounds made
with the hands grasping or moving, etc.
Anything dislodged or broken by the
caster's feet will make whatever noise it
normally would, and traps or other
devices triggered by a footstep will also
function normally. In addition, the caster
will land, balanced and unwinded,
on his or her feet, from a fall of any
height suffered while the cantrip is in
effect (and a modifier of - 1 from each
die of falling damage suffered applies).

The dweomer also lends some surety
of traction and movement; a - 15%
chance of slipping or falling in damp,
greasy, or otherwise slightly slippery
conditions underfoot. Note that this
does not enable the caster to climb or
walk upon walls or ceilings unless other
magic is employed (such as a spider
climb spell), but will reinforce all such
magics to lend increased safety in hazardous
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