Level: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/level
of caster
Area of Effect: One creature
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 6 segments
Saving Throw: Neg.
When a
magic-user casts this spell,
a silvery-grey
radiance is produced about
material component.
If the component
(a bone or small animal
skeleton) is
touched to a target creature--successful
hit roll required, as though
a dagger or club--the radiance
the component (which vanishes
and expands to envelop the
in an aura , or mantle .
T h i s
shimmering radiance takes
effect on
the round following the
touch, and lasts
for 1 round per experience
level of the
While it is in effect, curative
spells, healing, and regeneration
of natural
or magical nature will not
be effective
within the confines of the
thus, a troll
could not regenerate, a ring
of regeneration would not
operate, a
potion of healing or extra-healing
would have no effect, and
so forth.
The mantle may be magically
and will fade away without
effect if
magic resistance or a saving
(only one allowed) triumphs
over it. At
the expiration of the spell,
forces still active will
take effect
immediately--but any such
powers that
were expended upon the victim
the mantle was in effect
are forever
lost. A cure wounds or heal
spell, for
instance, will take effect
upon the recipient
if the mantle expires before
the victim
does; similarly, a ring
regeneration will resume
properly when the mantle
and a creature that regenerates
retain the ability to do
so. However, the
victim of the mantle will
get no benefit
from a potion of healing
drunk while
the spell is in effect,
and any usage of a
staff of curing on the victim
is fruitless,
since those types of magic
must take
effect upon their application
or not take
effect at all. In such a
case, the application
of the magic (dose, charge,
etc.) is
If the caster does not successfully
touch a target creature
in the round of
casting or the round immediately
the mantle spreads from
component into (and onto)
the spellcaster,
and remains in effect upon
the caster
for the full duration. There
is no
saving throw against this
"backfire," but
a dispel magic spell may
be successfully
employed by the caster or
a companion
to bring the bad effect
to a halt.
Once the spell is cast and
the mantle
has covered a target, the
duration and
effects of the mantle are
not under the
caster's control. Creatures
of any size
may be affected.
Note that use of the
mantle is not basically
a good act, and
the spell must be used with
due consideration
of the circumstances and
of the target by magic-users
of good
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