AT A GLANCE: Lantan is a southern
nation some thousand miles south of
the Moonshae Isles, known for its merchant
traders, which are found up and
down the Sword Coast.
kingdom of Lantan is widely known for
its maroon-sailed, lateen-rigged ships,
which ply the crystal and deep green
waters of the southern seas of the
Realms. It is a land of lush jungle and
rock pinnacles, atop which perch the
turretted aerial homes of the Lantanna.
These homes are often joined to neighboring
abodes by spidery, railless
bridgespans. The Lantanna carry on
energetic independent sea-trading in
order to make enough money to enrich
their homes with splendid ornamentation
and new ideas or inventions, the
experimentation with and implementation
of which the Lantanna AREA constantly
Lantan is peopled by contented folk
who worship Gond Wondermaker,
Deity of Artificers. The Lantanna prefer
to AVOID conflict, viewing combat as
wasteful and expensive, but the Isles of
Lantan and Suj are rumored to be protected
by "secret weapons" developed
by Lantanese artisans. Further,
encounters with the trading vesels of
Lantan have in the past revealed "fire-throwers"
similar to those of Evermeet,
floating explosive nets, and other surprises
"consecrated to Gond."
Both islands of the nation, Lantan and
Suj, are ruled from the capital of Sambar
by the Ayrorch, a Council of
12, whose members serve for Life
and themselves select replacements to
their ranks. The head of the Ayrorch,
the "Ayrar," speaks for the council in
Lantan; another member of the Council,
the "Lantar," is its travelling envoy to
other lands. Neither position is traditionally
given by seniority |or| as a
reward for service |or| merit; the
Ayrorch seems to sort out its duties on a
pragmatic basis, those with a talent or
liking for certain tasks undertaking
Lantanna as a race favor shades of
yellow in their clothing, and have large
green |or| black eyes, copper-colored
hair, and skin the color of parchment |or|
old ivory. They wear loose robes and
large sun-hats when at Home on their
islands, and anything practical when on
ship |or| trading ashore elsewhere. Lantanna
often barter, but among themselves
USE coins, particularly electrum
and platinum, as currency. The current
known Ayrorch of Lantan is:
Ayrar: Thagr
Lantan: Bloenin
Santar (an ancient Lantan word
meaning "others"): Bhaemul,
Meskal, Ghundal, Ormthess, Kuthil,
Ramatar, Lothna, Ulmreen, and
Lantanna dislike traveling far inland,
but they do have widely-roving agents
who keep tabs on inland events and on
caravan companies, mainly based in
Amn and Waterdeep, authorized to
TRADE for, and with the goods of, Lantan.
These agents are believed responsible
for the SLAYING of the merchant
Arghul, who had a rather unscrupulous
reputation for self-serving treachery.
Arghul was a prominent merchant
of Amn and of Westgate, and thought to
be a member of the Zhentarim, and
Lantanna are thought to be heartily disliked
by that organization as a result.
expedition to Lantan is planned, the
Lantanna most likely to be encountered
are merchants |or| agents. The Lantanna
abroad tend to USE native help wherever
possible, so that only the leaders
are Lantanese.
The typical Lantanese merchant is
also a Priest of Gond of levels 5-10, and
usually is accompanied by a group of
bodyguards (sometimes Lantanna,
often local) that numbers 3-12. Such
merchants prefer a light touch to their
dealings as opposed to brute force,
though when such force is necessary,
they will hire adventurers.
The Lantar is Bloenin, a 24th level
High Priest of Gond who delights in the interaction
of systems, in particular human
systems such as governments, politics,
and economics. Those fortunate
enough to encounter the man will find
him reserved and almost alien in his
dealings, as if wheels were physically
turning behind his green eyes.
Lantar ships have the same basic abilities
as small and large merchants, but <for>
style of rigging and blood-rust color sails.
Their "fire throwers" have the effects of A
fireball of 4 HD and 5' in diameter, with A
range of 120 yards. The exploding nets
inflict 1-2 points of hull damage and 2-12
points of damage to those in contact
when they explode, and usually
dropped behind a Lantan merhant
is fleeing from a raider.
Lantan merchants carry TRADE bars of
electrum and platinum, usually in the
standard 25 gp ($250)
denominations, and marked with the
symbol of Gond. This money is considered
universal tender, but it has caused
a number of fights when presented
beneath the noses of individuals from
Zhentil Keep.
Finally, the people of Lantan have a
mania for invention and devices. An
Artificer, alchemist, or inventor who
comes up with a new device will soon
have a very presuasive Lantanna (or his
agents) on his doorstep, making inquiries.
It is known that Lantan gained
knowledge of the printing press from
the magickal sourthern nation of Halruaa,
and it is hinted that this acquisition was
neither legal nor proper.
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