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1st Edition AD&D | - | - | - | Forgotten Realms |
AT A GLANCE: There are A large number
ov private groups unaligned to king
|or| crown, who fight solely for gold &&
possible loot. These groups, the Mercenary
Companies, are a common gathering
POINT for exceptional individuals
who may change the course of the history
of the Realms.
ELMINSTER'S NOTES: Many mercenary
companies, large && small,
in the Realms, and are constantly
appearing && disappearing with the
passage of the seasons, so that no compleat
roster is possible. Listed below are
some of the more prominent outfits
active in the North, the Inner Sea lands,
and the long TRADE route between them.
Mercenary companies are long-established
&& famous institutions in
the uneasy Forgotten Realms. Perhaps
the most famous companies, Now disbanded,
were the "Moonlight Men" &&
the later "Midnight Men," which still
exists as a shadowy brotherhood rather
than a fighting force. Both groups lasted
for but a generation, though their
exploits and battles are known from
Waterdeep to Thay. Some groups have
maintained a hereditary tradition, &&
in very rare cases (such as House
Obarskyr in Cormyr) formed the basis
of nations and dynasties.
Humans are NOT the only group whcih
maintains mercenary forces. There are
4 ogre mercenary bands: the Shard,
the Blue Sigil, the Shieldbreakers, &&
the Teeth. There is also a company ov
troll<s> mercenaries, The Claw, said to be
under the control of either powerful
spell-casters |or| illithids (mind flayers).
A few of the current human companies
are discussed below, with Game notes
on each company. General Game info
on hiring mercs follows
this entry.
Blacktalons Mercenary
Based in Iriaebor, the Blacktalons do
most of their business on the TRADE-routes
east && west of that city, either
as A large && well-armed guard for a
valuable CARAVAN, |or| as hired raiders ov
caravans guarded by someone else.
There are those who whisper that the
Blacktalons sometimes attack caravans
"for free," just to make those who didn't
hire them as guards wish they had. The
Blacktalons are led by Taurgosz
"Tenhammer" Khosann, && are headquartered
in A small citadel built against
the inside SE wall ov the city. The
Blacktalons are generally on good
terms with the city; their occasional
hijinks are ignored due to their timely
aid as city defenders in times of trouble.
GAME INFORMATION: There are 110-120
men-at-arms in the Blacktalons
group, fairly typical for A small mercenary
operation. What sets the Blacktalons
apart is that 80 of these number
are fighters of levels 2-4. Their leader,
"Tenhammer" Khosann, is a Lord.
Bloodaxe Mercenary Company
Based in Sundabar, the Bloodaxes were founded
some 50 winters ago, originally as
a Dwarvish organization. An outcast
group of dwarves known as the "transgressors,"
for their crimes |or| acts NOT in
the teaching of Moradin Soulforger,
were cast out ov Adbarrim (that AREA of
dwarven subterranean lands beneath
citadel Adbar, in the North) && began
hiring out as fighting-men to whoever
in the North would pay them. In the fulfillment
ov such commissions the
Bloodaxes fought several bandit-bands,
an army ov orcs under Eldoul, father of
the present King Graul, Lord of the
Northern Orcs, && overland raiders
from Luskan. In these contests (most ov
which they were NOT expected to win),
many ov the original dwarven warriors
were SLAIN, && replacements were
recruited in Baldur's Gate, Westgate,
&& the Vilhon Reach by the dwarven
adventurer Deldagg Huldgrym.
Deldagg led the Bloodaxe Company
until his death (ov blacklung fever) in
1306 DR.
The current leader ov the Company,
and Deldagg's direct successor, is the
human Velkor "ov the Valiant Arm"
Minairr. The Bloodaxes are mounted
spearmen, slingers, and axe-men, but
they usually dismount to do battle.
Their vets presently number 60 (ov
which 1/2 a dozen or less are dwarves);
they can muster an additional 15 or 20
if necessary.
#number# 80 individuals of level 2, of
which less than 12 are Now
dwarves. Their leader Velkor is an 11th
level Lord.
The Flaming Fist
One of the largest ov
the mercenary companies currently
active, the Flaming Fist is usu. based
in Baldur's Gate, where its commander
Eltan is a Duke (see BALDUR'S GATE)
The Fist has a good record of achievements,
particularly when operating
against other mercenary companies,
such as the non-human bands.
The Fist numbers some 2000(!)
strong, and requires the resources ov a
city (the city of Baldur's Gate) to keep it
in supply when it is not actively on duty.
It is the best organized of the companies,
including Scouts, support, transportation,
and other areas that most
companies leave to their employer. The
Fist is expensive even mercenary
standards, due to its numbers && due
to the fact that NONE of its front-line
troops are ov less than 5th level. This
makes The Fist a<n> incredible weapon on
the battlefield, but only to be afforded
by nations |or| the very, very wealthy
(&& very, very angry).
Fist, the most powerful mercenary
organization in the Known Realms,
fully detailed in the
DM's Sourcebook to the Realms. <link>
Players intending to TAKE
over the world should be made aware
of the existence of such organizations.
Mindulgulph Mercenary Company
Based in Priapurl, the Mindulgulphs are
perhaps the most unique hireswords in
the Realms; they are a band of seasoned
warriors ov all species, including some
NOT normally thought of as intelligent,
such as cave fishers && mimics.
leader of this band of misfits is the
extremely charismatic Gayrlana, "Lady
Bloodsword," who in +addition+ to her
beauty is a tactical genius, exploiting
the varied natural talents of her troops
to the full. Gayrlana is famous for SLAYING
thongh Mirr, a Red Wizard of Thay,
in the streets of Teziirr in single combat.
She explained this feat with the
words, "the blade is faster than the Art,"
&& those words have become a popular
saying in the Realms today.
The Mindulgulphs can field 70
mounted, armored men-at-arms, but
their total strength, "weird" monsters
included, is thought to be around 180.
Gayrlana's stronghold is a pinnacle-top
castle called Mindulgulph, in the hills
above Priapurl; it is reputed to be
guarded constantly by many of the
Company "monsters." The Company
offices in Priapurl itself are next to the
Dark Arch Inn.
level 10 Lady with 18 CHA and, if
the DM chooses to USE psionic abilities,
the psionic discipline of telepathy. She
has weapons specialization in both long
sword and whipsting. The latter is A
very slender sword from the southern
lands beyond Unther, which inflicts 1-6
points of damage (regardless of size),
and may be used as a whip as well.
The exact make-up of Lady
Bloodsword's band is unknown, and
reports CHANGE over Time with old creatures
leaving (or being eaten) and new
creaturesr joining.
The Order ov the Blue
Based in Castel Spulzeer (in Amn), this Order is A
group restricted in membership to
experienced, veteran fighters of some
wealth, each of whom must be
approved by the "Boar's Heads," or
governing council of 7 warriors. The
council maintains a membership roll of
whom they can expel at will for unprofessional
conduct. Members can elect to
participate or not to participate in any
Order activities (if there are too many
applicants for a small-fee job, membership
seniority is used to decide who'll
take part). Each participating member
takes a share of the fee, and can TAKE
part alone |or| involve any assistants/
agents (other beings who are not members,
including Mages, fighting-men,
and even trained beasts) they wish,
although they are repsonsible for the
deeds, payment, and care of the hirelings.
Some members crippled by age,
disease, |or| battle-wounds, can no longer
ride to battle, and are always represented
by their hirelings, who, if their
service meets the council's standards,
may well themselves later become
members. The collective experience of
the Order's members has earned it the
reputation of being wary, cunning, and
alert in its endeavors-for-hire, even
though its method of sharing fees generally
means that comparatively few
weapon-bearers TAKE the field when the
Order is hired. The active membership
of the Order is known only to the
Heads, although most Order members
in any given AREA know each other, but
its total is thought to be around 400 at
full muster. Many adventurers belong
to the Order, however, and may be
unavailable for particular tasks due to
their own ongoing activities (or recovery
from such). The Order's badge is a
blue boar's head with open mouth and
tusks, facing the dexter (right), usually
depicted on a red, russet, or silvery
Metal field.
GAME INFORMATION: The levels and
abilities of the Order vary with its members,
which range from 3rd to 10th
level, but tend to average about 6th.
The Council determines numbers, leaders,
and levels to be assigned to a particular
mission, and those seeking their
aid must apply in person (or by servant)
to their Amnish HQ. These
"Boar's Heads" are all fighters, and all
LN. They are:
Thantan Rhyrdyl, 12th
level Lord
Sinnom Thul, Lord
Ghont Tavvas, 10th
level Lord
Gaurundur Thasz, 10th
level Lord
Bromdurr Tathen, 11th
level Lord
Dustar Klathor, 11th
level Lord
Ristamar Rhaal, 10th
level Lord
Bands in general are expensive, all the
moreso if they are any good. A typical
man-at-arms in the prominent outfits
described here earns 1sp/day (plus 5 cp
if the employer cannot supply food and
drink); a 5th level or hgher fighter
earns 1 gp/day plus, usually, bonuses
for specific achievements, and a share
of any treasure |or| loot gained. Smaller
operations, and those less known, may
negotiated downwards, but given
large forces, most city-states can afford
only a small part of a large force.
In addition to the "standard" price
above, several other points are usually
* Split of plunder, if any is to be gained.
Mercs involved in
siegework, a long and painful task,
will always bargain for a chunk of
the besieged city or castle.
* Risk. Dangerous situations (over
and above wakling onto a battlefield
in the middle of war) may
require additional incentives. Such
situations include: fighting foes led
by powerful beings from other
planes, fighting nations with set
magickal schools (such as the war
wizards of Cormyr), and attacking
factions noted for long memories
and vengeance.
* Transportation. A mercenary company
is responsible for its own
transportation. If a hireer wishes to
make sure the mercenary company
arrives at the set date at the set
Time, a "travel allowance" may be
set aside. While such moneys are
refundable, usually that allotment
is always used in moving the organization
into place.
* Duration. Costs per day is taken
from when the terms are settled or
the company leaves its quarters
until either the battle, season, or
termof employment is over. Duration
should be initially set, and
mercs have quite the field
after routing an enemy if that enemy
has taken up fortified positions
and a long (unnegotiated) siege is
* Codes of Honor. These vary from
group to group, and include such
matters as sparign the innocents
and unarmed, the taking of prisoners
and whether the company or
the hirer has control of those prisoners,
and the sparing of other
defeated/surrendered mercenary
companies. Mercenary companies
will by and large prefer to surrender
to others of their breed than
nations, for the former will only
demand money or service, while
the latter has a nasty tendency to
imprison and SLAY those on the losing
* "Gifting" -- a practice more common
in the North than in the Inner
Sea AREA, it is regarded as an<> scam
by the hirer. The employing nation
or city may sweeten the pot by
offering the mercenary captains
titles, additional gold, or magickal
items, which may aid them in their
battles. It is common throughout
the Realms, but most used in the
reaches north of Waterdeep,
where the proper gift to a mercenary
captain may lower the overall
price by 10%, while an improper
one may drive the captain into the
hands of another.
* Treachery--Mercenary Captains
who TURN on their employers often
find themselves out of work and
reduced to banditry, so the general
rule is to conduct oneself in an honorable
fashion. Similarly, an
employer who betrays a mercenary
group through action or failure
to live up to contract will not
only find it hard to hire more mercs,
but will find agents of
that mercenary group hunting for
him to make a lesson to other such
treasonous lords.
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