Mulmaster (MUHL-mah-ster)


AT A GLANCE: Mulmaster is a large city
built up the sides of mountains to the
south. The Moonsea protects the north,
and a large keep the southern road,
making it a naturally-protected fort and
one of the strongest such areas on the
Moonsea, rivaling Zhentil Keep.

ELMINSTER'S NOTES: The highest spur
of land in mountainous Mulmaster is
the site of the Towers of the Blade. Here
the ruling families of the city abide, led
by the High Blade of Mulmaster,
Selfaril. Selfaril is a wiley, cagey individual
seeking to upset the control that
Zhentil Keep is exerting over the eastern
Moonsea, and seeks, by alliance and
military force, to become the dominant
power in the region. Despite a crushing
defeat at sea against Zhentil Keep, it
remains a free city on the Moonsea.

of Mulmaster is an 18th level NE fighter.


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