The Realms are a living, growing
world, home to literally thousands
of beings with names and deeds, natures
and histories, of which the PCs are a small but important
part. More than anything else, these
individuals are the Realms. The greater
bulk of such a population would make
for a huge tome and dreadful reading,
even in the reduced fashion presented
here. The brief summaries mentioned
here are included to give a DM a handful
of possible PC tutors and "big
wheels" for the PCs to brush up against,
and that the little career outlines
included spark ideas for PC adventures
(for example, see "The Sleeping Sword"
under Emperell).
Many NPCs are mentioned briefly in
the Cyclopedia of the Realms,
but do
not appear there in full stats, rather
being summarized as to class and level.
In order to prevent players from gaining
too much of an advantage over this
knowledge ("Hey, let's go over to
Bugtown, the mayor there is only a Swashbuckler!").
feel free to use the following
table to modify the listed level of
the NPC from the Cyclopedia.
NPC Level Modification Table
Die Roll | Modification |
01-10 | Rumors overstate the importance of the individual; is acually 1 level less than stated. |
11-60 | Stories are correct; individual is of listed level. |
61-80 | Stories are slightly dated; individual is of 1 level higher than list |
81-95 | Stories are badly dated; individual is of 2 levels higher |
96-00 | Stories are just outright wrong; individual is 1-4 levels higher than listed. |
Multi-classed individuals may roll once,
with results applied to all levels. Racial
limitations apply. Individuals listed at
"name" level (Wizard, High Priest, Lord,
etc.) will always be of that minimum
Appendix P in the DMG provides an
excellent background for providing
such NPCs with magickal armor, weapons,
and devices for use in brief
encounters. Such individuals may have
further treasures in their homes and
Beings in this fragmentary list are
arranged by their first names. Dates
give are in Dalereckoning (current year
1356) and concentrate on that region of
the Inner Sea.
All entries are arranged thus:
NAME (Pronunciation)
Nickname(s), if applicable
Dates of birth and death, if applicable
Title, if applicable
Base of operations
Level and class, group affiliation if applicable
Alignment, power(s) worshiped (if any)
Race, sex
Additional Merchants may be found in
the Dragon Reach area, including the
lands of Sembia, Cormyr, and the south-
em cities around Westgate. They are list-
ed by name, city of origin, usual place of
wintering, and common business.
ARULF of Battledale
"The Swordmerchant"-- weapons of all
types, fine forged steel
BLASKIN of Arabel
Engineering firm: "Bridges Built, Barns
Raised, Fences & Stockades Erected; We
Bring Our Whole Crew To You"
FARENE of Westgate
"Cosmetics, Make-up, and Disguises;
Scents Most Rare and Fine, Carefully
Selected for you by a Lady of Tuste and
Distinction, Farene the Far-Iraveled''
Animal 'Trainer (40 gp/month retainer,
3 gp/beast otherwise)
LARIS of Hillsfar
"Arts, gems, magic,
curiosities of all
sorts bought, bartered and sold"
"Boats Bought, Sold, Outfitted,
Rented, & Repaired--No Job Too Big,
No Job Too Small"
PERAPHON of House Thond (in Arabel)
"Gems Purchased" (for
later resale on the Sword Coast)
STONG of Sarbreen
Fine cloth, clothing &. accessories,
leather working
ULTRAM of Phlan
Cattle, Horses, &
Other Livestock
Reduce - Reuse - Recycle