(Source: The Alcaister)

L^: mu6
R#: T
D^: 1r + 1r*
C^: v.s.m
CT: 1r
S^: None
A^: S

Effect: By means
of this spell, the caster temporarily
restores or makes whole a broken item,
even if it is badly shattered and/or portions
are missing.

The object is restored
t o its appearance before being
broken--even to smell, weight, solidity,
sound when struck, and texture, and
will appear whole and unbroken to normal
scrutiny. Detect magic will show
the spell's dweomer, and a gem of seeing
or true seeing spell will reveal the
illusion for what it is, but the item can
be touched and used--i.e., a rope or bar
to hold things or support weight, a
weapon to strike with, etc. -- normally,
without dispelling the illusion, and with
results as though the item were whole.
Thus, the hilt of a rusted long sword
found in a tomb could be temporarily
transformed into a brand-new long
sword, doing the same damage in battle
as the original did. Magical weapons
can be temporarily mended by this
spell, and due to the spell, will be magical
for hitting purposes, but will not
regain any bonuses or special properties;
a silver or gold coin can be temporarily
remade into a whole coin by
means of this spell; and crushed gemstones
restored to their previous,
whole, form. If a reconstructed item is
subjected to prolonged heat and
impacts, however (e.g., a blade being
reforged), or if a permanency or
enchanted weapon spell is cast upon
one, the magic will be ended, and the
item will revert instantly to its real,
damaged form. A reconstructed item
will not revert to its true form if its illusion
is merely revealed, and it cannot be
"disbelieved" out of existence by an

Living things cannot be affected by a
reconstruction spell, nor can unbroken
items be altered to the prior forms of
their component materials; thus, a
stone statue cannot be made to look like
the boulder or mountain it was carved
from. The caster need not know the
original appearance of the whole item
to duplicate it. A maximum volume of
one-cubic foot of actual item per level of
the caster can be reconstructed
(although the reconstructed whole may
be far larger than this maximum, and
will still appear in its entirety).

MC: The item (or fragment) to be reconstructed,
a pinch of fine sand, and a
pinch (of at least thumbnail size) of
sticky sap or gum.
The Alcaister - - - Books of the Forgotten Realms

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