Secure (Alteration)

Level: 4
Range: Touch
Duration: See below
Area of Effect: 30 sq. ft. per level of caster
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 6 segments
Saving Throw: None

By means
of this spell, and a small piece of iron (or
filings) and a tiny gem (or a like amount
of gem fragments or powdered remnants),
the spellcaster can make a door,
chest, or portal secure.

An object or
area that is secured cannot be opened
or passed through by any means except
physical destruction of the object or
area, or by dispel magic (or a limited
wish, alter reality etc., so worded as to
achieve the same effect). Unlike one
affected by a wizard lock, a portal that
is secured cannot be passed through by
magic-users of any level (including the
spellcaster), and can be passed otherwise
only by avoiding it through astral,
ethereal, or dimension-altering means
such as blink and dimension door. The
dweomer will resist fire, cold, and electrical
attacks of natural or magical origin
without allowing any damage to the
secured item or area. Thus, a closed
and secured door will deflect a magical
lightning bolt back upon its caster, and
will escape unscathed from a fireball
blast. Physical attacks upon a secured
area will be ineffective--totally
negated-- for one round per level of the
caster (beginning with the round after
casting). At the end of this time, the
secure spell remains, but no longer
affords any protection from physical

When a secured area is touched, tested,
or attacked in any way, it will flash
with a white radiance on all sides and
surfaces of the area. A knock spell is
ineffective against a secured portal.
Any spell, spell-like natural power, or
magical item effect that attempts to
alter the shape and nature of a secured
area will be reflected back upon the
caster/user with full effects. If the
power affects an area rather than an
individual, the user of the power will
immediately become the central point
of the area of effect. Magical powers
that are "reversed" in this fashion
include, but are not limited to: enlarge,
reduce, levitate, shatter, dig, passwall,
stone shape, transmute rock to mud,
move earth, stone to flesh, vanish, turn
wood, and animate rock. If the magic
does not affect living creatures (such as
animate rock or move earth), the usage
of that magic is simply wasted. Powers
that are directly under the control of
the user (such as psionics or spell-like
natural powers, but not spell casting)
will have no effect on a secured area or
object, but the power is counted as having
been used. In all cases where magic
can be "reversed" back upon the user,
all those who could be affected are enti-
tled to saving throws if a save is normally
allowed against the type of magic in

Light magics, magic mouth, Nystul's
magic aura, and Leomund's trap cannot
successfully be cast within, or upon any
surface of, a secured area. Any a (of warding), explosive runes, or symbol written upon any surface within a
secured area will discharge immediately
upon completion, possibly harming
the writer and/or companions or
other nearby creatures. A disintegrate
spell that destroys a secured area will
have the effect of negating the secure
spell. A glassee spell will have its normal
effect on a secured area. Find traps will
not reveal the presence of a secure
spell, but detect magic will reveal the
extent of its dweomer. Illusions and other
spells of concealment can be successfully
cast upon a secured area.
Orjalun's Arbatel - - - Books of the Forgotten Realms

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