Symbol (wj8) |
Effect: The cleric
casting this spell inscribes a symbol
the air or upon any surface,
according to his or her wish. The symbol
for 1 turn for each level
of experience of the cleric casting it.The particular
used can be selected by the cleric at the time of casting, selection
being limited to:
Creatures seeing it must
turn back in dejection and/or surrender to capture or attack unless they
save vs. Magic.
Its effects last for 3 to
12 turns.
WSG: If a symbol of
hopelessness is placed upon a location
where it can only be viewed
by a character or creature in a precarious
position (on the surface
of a severe slope or a cliff face, for instance)
and the viewer fails his
saving throw, he will be unable to
tear his gaze from the symbol
and must make a successful Wisdom
Check every turn as long
as the magic remains in effect. If
anyone of these checks fails,
he will fall from his precarious position
unless he makes a successful
Climbing Check or Dexterity
Check (whichever applies)
immediately after the Wisdom Check
was failed. If a symbol
of pain is viewed in the same circumstances,
the Dungeon Master should
substitute a Constitution
Check for the Wisdom Check
and otherwise handle the incident
in the same way as described
- Creatures affected suffer
-4 on "to hit" dice
and -2 on DEX ability score
due to wracking
pains. The effects last
for 2-20 turns.
WSG: If a symbol of
hopelessness is placed upon a location
where it can only be viewed
by a character or creature in a precarious
position (on the surface
of a severe slope or a cliff face, for instance)
and the viewer fails his
saving throw, he will be unable to
tear his gaze from the symbol
and must make a successful Wisdom
Check every turn as long
as the magic remains in effect. If
anyone of these checks fails,
he will fall from his precarious position
unless he makes a successful
Climbing Check or Dexterity
Check (whichever applies)
immediately after the Wisdom Check
was failed. If a symbol
of pain is viewed in the same circumstances,
the Dungeon Master should
substitute a Constitution
Check for the Wisdom Check
and otherwise handle the incident
in the same way as described
- Creatures seeing the symbol
become of the
same alignment as and friendly
to the cleric who
scribed the symbol for from
1 to 20 turns unless a
saving throw versus magic
is made.
MC: Mercury && phosphorus. (cf. eighth level magic-user symbol spell.)
<problem with direct links to targets>
Effect: A symbol spell
causes the creation of magical runes which affect creatures which pass
over, touch, read, or pass through
a portal upon which the
symbol is inscribed. Upon casting the spell, the magic-user inscribes the
symbol upon whatever surface he or she desires.
Likewise, the spell caster is able to place the symbol of his or her choice, using any one of the following:
() -
One or more creatures whose total hit points do not exceed 80 are slain.
All creatures are affected
and immediately fall to
loudly bickering and arguing;
furthermore, there is a
50% probability that creatures
of different alignment
will attack each other.
The bickering lasts for 5-20
rounds; the fighting for
2-8 rounds.
() - This symbol operates
as an extra-strong fear spell,
causing all creatures to
save vs. the spell at -4 on the
die or panic and flee as
if affected by a fear spell (q.v.)
- All creatures are affected and must turn back in dejection unless they
save versus magic.
Affected creatures will
submit to the demands of any opponent, i.e. surrender, get out, etc.;
the hopelessness lasts for
3 to 12 (3d4) turns,
and during this period it
is 25% probable that affected creatures will take no action during any
and 25% likely that those
taking action will turn back or retire from battle, as applicable.
WSG: If a symbol of
hopelessness is placed upon a location
where it can only be viewed
by a character or creature in a precarious
position (on the surface
of a severe slope or a cliff face, for instance)
and the viewer fails his
saving throw, he will be unable to
tear his gaze from the symbol
and must make a successful Wisdom
Check every turn as long
as the magic remains in effect. If
anyone of these checks fails,
he will fall from his precarious position
unless he makes a successful
Climbing Check or Dexterity
Check (whichever applies)
immediately after the Wisdom Check
was failed. If a symbol
of pain is viewed in the same circumstances,
the Dungeon Master should
substitute a Constitution
Check for the Wisdom Check
and otherwise handle the incident
in the same way as described
- One or more creatures whose total hit points do not
exceed 120 will become insane
and remain so, acting as if a confusion spell
(q.v.) had been placed upon them until a heal, restoration, or wish spell
is used to remove the madness.
- All creatures are affected, having wracking pains shooting through their
which causes them to have
-2 on dexterity and -4 on attack dice for from 2-20 turns.
WSG: If a symbol of
hopelessness is placed upon a location
where it can only be viewed
by a character or creature in a precarious
position (on the surface
of a severe slope or a cliff face, for instance)
and the viewer fails his
saving throw, he will be unable to
tear his gaze from the symbol
and must make a successful Wisdom
Check every turn as long
as the magic remains in effect. If
anyone of these checks fails,
he will fall from his precarious position
unless he makes a successful
Climbing Check or Dexterity
Check (whichever applies)
immediately after the Wisdom Check
was failed. If a symbol
of pain is viewed in the same circumstances,
the Dungeon Master should
substitute a Constitution
Check for the Wisdom Check
and otherwise handle the incident
in the same way as described
All creatures under 8+ 1
hit dice will immediately fall into a catatonic slumber and cannot be awakened
5 to 16 (d12 + 4) turns.
Stunning - One or more creatures whose total hit points do not exceed 160 will be stunned and reeling for 3-12 (3d4) rounds, dropping anything it or they hold in manipulative members.
The type of symbol cannot be recognized without it being read and thus activating its effects.
MC: Powdered black
opal && diamond dust worth
not less than 5000 g.p. each.
Jen: This spell creates magical runes which affect creatures that
pass over,
touch, read, or pass through
the AREA in which they are inscribed. Any of the
following symbols may be
inscribed (no saves unless indicated):
Death: Slays up to 80 HP of creatures.
Discord: All creatures
affected argue with each other for 5d4 rounds, and
those of opposing alignments
have a 50% chance of fighting for 2d4
Fear: All affected
creatures make saves vs. spell at -4 or flee in
Hopelessness: All
creatures must turn back in dejection if a save is failed,
and submit to an opponent's
demands. The Hopelessness lasts for 3d4
rounds, and during that
time there is a 25% chance of no action being
Insanity: Up to 120
HP of creature become insane and act as if a
confusion spell is CAST
upon them.
Pain: All affected
creatures are -2 on DEX, -4 to hit, because of wracking
pain, for 2d10 turns.
Sleep: All creatures under 8 + 1 HD fall asleep for 4d4 turns.
Stunning ():
Up to 160 HP of creatures are stunned for 3d4 rounds.
The type of symbol cannot be determined without setting off its effects.
MC.WJ: The material
components of this spell are powdered black opal and
diamond dust worth 1,000
The save against this
spell is given in the PH as 'special' but
with the exception of the
symbol of fear
variant, exactly what this is not
specified in either PH or DMG. However,
in the PH the save for the 7th
level clerical version of the spell (these
spells do overlap; the magic-user variety
contains more options, but symbol of
persuasion is unique to the clerical
version) is given as 'Neg', so for the
wizard version a standard save
vs. spells might be given. It
could be ruled that the symbol of death
should include a save against
death magick rather than spells.
(Polyhedron #29)