Smoke Ghost (Alteration)

Level: 4 (druid)
Range: 1" /level
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 4 segments
Saving Throw: ½

By means
of a pinch of dust and mistletoe, cast
into an existing fire or cloud of smoke
(of magical or natural origin), a druid
can affect smoke, drawing it into a
wraith-like cowled form which will fly
or glide, drifting up to 14" per round in
the direction he or she wishes.

smoke ghost is not a living creature or
sentient force, and cannot wear clothing,
carry things, or be made to speak.
It is merely an apparition with one
attack ability: it can envelop an opponent
and suffocate it with thick, choking
smoke and ash. This causes 1 hp of
damage per round the victim is within
the ghost (the druid can cause the
smoke ghost to move with an opponent)
and blinds the victim so that all attacks
are at -2 to hit, spellcasting and even
normal speech are impossible for the
victim (violent retching and coughing
will occur when these are tried). The
victim will be rendered unconscious
through suffocation in 4-9 (1d6 + 3) successive
rounds of envelopment.

A successful saving throw vs. the
ghost (one, against breath weapon,
must be made each time a creature is
enveloped, even if the same creature
has escaped from within the ghost once
or several times before) causes the victim's attacks to be only at - 1, damage
to be - 1 hp only at the end of each two
successive rounds of envelopment (no
damage for lesser time periods, or fractions)
and means suffocation will occur
only at the end of nine successive
rounds of envelopment. Beings who
have thus saved vs. a ghost can manage
to utter item command words, power
words, or cast some other spells and
cantrips that require only a single spoken
word; doing so usually wracks
them with uncontrollable coughing fits
for the following round. A smoke ghost
is a cloud of thick, billowing grey smoke
approximately 9' high by 2' in diameter,
and cannot achieve a greater stable volume,
but its precise form is variable, in
accordance with the caster's wishes. A
smoke ghost can rise up into the air 1"
per level of the druid, or be made to
sink to the ground, flowing along the
earth like some sort of living blanket,
and can swoop and maneuver through
cracks and crevices precisely as the
druid wills. It can shift into a globeform
or wall-form in 1-4 segments. A
druid who cannot see his or her smoke
ghost cannot direct it, nor can a druid
whose concentration is turned elsewhere
(i.e., in casting another spell) do
so. In both cases, the smoke ghost will
hang motionless until it is dispelled or
the spell expires (a ghost that reaches
the caster's maximum range will also
stop and remain in place until disappearing,
or until directed elsewhere by
the caster. The caster can will the ghost
to disappear into nothingness at any
time (which will take 1-6 segments). It
can also be destroyed by a gust of wind,
dispel magic, or strong natural winds.
Glanvyl's Workbook - - - Books of the Forgotten Realms

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