Glanvyl's Workbook

Appearance: A small (one handspan
in height, seven fingers wide, and two
thick) volume constructed from two
leather-covered boards held together
by brass triangular-head nails, through
a central spine of heavy hide to which
are sewn a dozen parchment sheets.
The outside front cover bears a personal
rune, thus:

Beneath it, an inscription in Common:
"Glanvyl--his Workbook." Both rune and
inscription are burned into the leather,
and the grooves filled with molten copper,
which has hardened into rainbow-scarred,
predominantly orange metal traceries.

History and Description: Glanvyl is
an unknown magic-user who assembled
this Workbook--probably under
the tutelage of one or more magic users
of greater power--in the caravancrossroads
city of Scornubel some
three hundred years ago. It was hidden
in a chest of silk gowns, behind a loose
stone, in a cellar wall of a house owned
by the merchant Pentle, and before him
by the illusionist and adventurer Alkunda
Gar. After Pentle's house was
destroyed by a fire, one of the rebuilders
found it, and took it with stealth to
the sage Bendulphin, who gave him five
hundred pieces of gold for it.

Bendulphin died of natural causes,
shortly thereafter, and his son Tresk
took the Workbook to Waterdeep,
where he sold it to a conjurer, one
Braszetor. This new owner disappeared
shortly thereafter, and his rooms were
rifled by the Master Thief Nighteye?or
someone else who dared to use his
mark. The whereabouts of the Workbook
at present are unknown; Nighteye
has probably traded or sold it, but he
could have done either of these things
with almost anyone, anywhere.

Contents: From Bendulphin's notes,
we learn that the Workbook's twelve
pages bear the following spells and

the unique cantrips

  • horn,
  • listen, and
  • scorch

  • (all described hereafter), set forth one to a page,

    and the spells

  • write,
  • detect magic,
  • Leomund's trap, and
  • Nystul's magic aura,

  • one to a page, in the order given.

    These are followed
    by a page of notes on the intensities
    and hues of various dweomers
    viewed by detect magic (confused and
    subjective--of little practical use), and

    then a unique druid spell, smoke ghost
    (presumably copied by Glanvyl through
    use of a write spell, and then found to
    be an untranslatable druidic prayer --
    or perhaps never identified by him at
    all). Particulars of this spell are given

    The last two pages of the workbook
    contain spell-ink formulae for writing the spells haste && lightning bolt, respectively.
    Magic-User Spellbooks - - - Books of the Forgotten Realms


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