Snatch (Evocation)

A of E: 1 person
CT: 1/6 segment

This person-affecting cantrip causes a brief,
violent jerking force to act upon a body
portion or limb of a subject creature.

This force has little strength, but may
serve to cause a running being to stumble
or turn about, or cause someone to
fumble or drop small objects such as
keys, material components, gems,
coins, and the like. A saving throw (of
the subject, vs. spell) determines
whether such objects are actually
dropped, or a fall or mishap actually
occurs--or whether the snatch merely
delays the subject for 1-3 segments.

no case can successfully snatched
objects be animated or conveyed magically
by the caster; the snatch is a brief
tug, not an unseen servant.

C: The caster
hisses softly at the subject being (who
must be within 4" of the caster--within
1" if the caster is a 0-level apprentice),
and simultaneously makes a jerking
motion with a hooked finger, visualizing
the location and precise direction of
the desired snatching, to enact the cantrip.
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