
Thay is a powerful, exotic, magical and evil nation that lies on the Eastern Reaches of the Known Realms, bounded by Aglarond and Thesk in the west, Rashemen in the north, the Inner Sea in the south, and Sunrise Mountains and Endless Waste in the east.
The Realm is known for its rich prosperity, ancient heritage, byzantine government, and magical-based society.

Thay is governed by a loose confederation of powerful spell-casters collectively called the Red Wizards of Thay, who are evil and {paranoid} to the extreme, seeking to maintain their own power in their nation while undercutting the power of other realms, which they perceive as dangerous to their existence.
Other magic-users who are not of their cult (and in particular thoe mages who are involved in ruling rival nationss) are viewed as threats to be leliminated.
The total number of Red Wizards is unknown.

Thay has a noble class as well.
Tharchions and Tharchionesses govern its provinces, under the direction of teh Red Wizards' chosen spokesmen, the Zulkirs.
There are at present believed to be eight Zulkirs, of whom the name of only one is know in the Inner Sea lands: the Zulkir Szass Tam.

The Red Wizards and their minions use several badges; that most often seen outside Thay is a leaping red flame on a black or deep purple field.

The collected Red Wizards are devoted to an expansionistic and imperialistic policy of swallowing neighbor states.
This policy has been hampered by internal strife among various factions and personality cults among the Red Wizards, and by the fact that the cult neither trusts mercenaries or high-level adventurers that are not of their cult.
Of the large number of invasions of Rashemen, 3 out of 4 have been by some particular faction leader of the wizards seeking to expand his domination at home by bringing victories in the field.

The Red Wizards roam the lands seeking to increase their power.
Any Red Wizard so encountered will not be of less than 9th level, and up to 15th level.
There is a 50% chance of the wizard having bodyguards (usually ogres or other non-human creatures), and an equal chance of having 1-4 low-level (1-8) magical aspirants to the Red Cloth.
The RW do not go in for subtlety, and will wear thier crimson robes haughtily in all but the most discreet situations.

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