Beltyn's Burning Blood

L^: mu4
R#: (1")*
D^: 3r
C^: v.s.m
CT: 4s
S^: Neg
A^: One creature

Effect: By means of
this spell, a magic-user can cause any
creature who is presently bearing
open, bleeding wounds (i.e. one who
has been damaged by edged weapons
recently and those wounds have not yet
been dressed or healed) to suffer 3-12
HP worth of additional damage
per round, by causing a subtle, temporary
change in the victim’s blood which
causes it to be corrosive to adjacent tissue.

Obviously, the creature must have
blood to be affected (elementals,
undead, and many non-Prime Material
Plane creatures are immune—as are all
creatures immune or even resistant to
corrosive or fiery damage), and the
material components of the spell are
the presence of exposed blood in the
victim and a pinch of saltpeter. The
spell causes no damage if the target’s
saving throws (versus spell, and all at
-3) are successful; for each of the 3
rounds of the spell (during which the
caster need not continue concentration,
but may turn to casting other
spells or undertaking other activities)
the target must save. In any round in
which the target saves, no damage is
inflicted by the spell but such a result
has no influence on the saving throws
of any remaining rounds; a successful
saving throw never means the spell is
unable to ever affect the target. No hit
roll is required for this spell, and the
target need not even be visible to the
caster, but the target must be within
range of and known to the caster, and
cannot be astral or ethereal, to be
affected. The caster must visualize the
target (or the target’s location) during

Targets who have altered their shape
or entered other objects (such as a tree,
or stone) are still vulnerable to this spell.

Creatures who have powers of regeneration
may only be vulnerable to this spell
for a single round, or two rounds.

MC: The presence of exposed blood in the
victim and a pinch of saltpeter.
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