Flying Fist (Evocation)

Level: 2
Range: 1" distant per level
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Invented by
the mage Alcimer (and once known as
Alcimer’s Flying Fist,” ere he died and
his apprentices all made use of it), this
spell enables the caster to create a “fist”
of force.

Forming at the end of the
round in which the spell is cast, the
hand is invisible to all but the caster.
It can move 12" per round, but cannot
pass beyond 1" distant from the
caster per level of the caster. The fist
can hover in mid-air, swoop, swerve,
and dart through openings as the caster
directs, but it will disappear if the caster
casts another spell or is rendered
unconscious. Physical combat, speech,
climbing, movement, and other activities
on the caster’s part will not destroy
the fist.

Although the fist can exist for one
round per level of the caster, it can perform
only three things. It can grab falling,
floating, or levitating objects of
hand-size or less, any 10gp weight or
less and carry them about for up to 2
rounds ere it drops them. Such objects
(keys, ioun stones, etc.) may be in the
possession of another creature, but the
fist does not have the strength to tear
weapons free of fastenings, material
components or scrolls out of a being’s
grasp, etc. It can overcome magnetic
pulls, but can only hold its own against
a gust of wind or other severe opposing
air disturbance. It can push or slap a
single creature sufficient to cause a missile
attack to be at -1 to hit, a catching
attempt by the being to be 20% more
likely to fail than otherwise, and to
delay (not ruin) spellcasting for one
round. It can also attack, striking as a
blow (not a missile, and hence unstoppable
by a shield or any protection
from missiles magic), as though it was
the caster (but at +2 to hit), and doing
1-2 points of damage. A successful
punching attack by the fist ruins
spellcasting during the round it strikes.
A flying fist can be readily dispelled
by a dispel magic cast on the fist or on
its caster, and cannot penetrate walls of
force, anti-magic shells, or more powerful
magical barriers. It is AC 4 (AC 7 to
opponents who can see invisible as an
ability or by means of temporary magic),
and can be destroyed by any attack
that deals it 5 or more points of damage,
or any combination of attacks dealing it
at least 5 hit points of damage in a single
round (cumulative damage does not
apply to the fist).
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