Laeral's Storm Armor

Storm Armor

Enc.: -
IS: <non-metallic alloy>
XP: 1,800
GP: 13,500
Armor and Shields
Magic Items

Lore: This armor was devised by the
wizardess for whom it is named. She
devised several sets for champions of
her far northern kingdom. The secret
of making it died with her, though
mages of the North have been trying
for centuries. Of the dozen or so sets
created, two have been known to be
destroyed, and three others are being
used in the North. The other seven have
disappeared, and it is not known
whether they are still in existence.

Function: Storm armor is plate armor,
+2, of a peculiar non-metallic alloy. It
does not conduct electricity, and has
the power to transfer heat to and from
the surrounding air, so that the wearer
remains comfortable in a freezing gale
or under the hot desert sun. The wearer
is thus largely unaffected by fireball
and ice storm or cone of cold spells, and
immune to electrical damage of any
type. The wearer can stand securely, or
move forward at normal speed, in the
face of even the most powerful winds
(including the magical gust of wind).
If storm armor is struck simultaneously
in different areas by spells causing
hot and cold (such as cone of cold
and wall of fire or heat metal), it
becomes brittle and may be shattered
by physical attack(s) doing it 9 points of
damage. (The character takes any
points of damage over this amount.)
The armor is only brittle while both hot
and cold spells are affecting it and for
one round thereafter. When it shatters,
it does so thoroughly; a chain reaction
occurs in the unstable heat-trans-

ferring components of the alloy and the
armor disintegrates into unusable fragments.