Mailed Might (Evocation)

Level: 3
Range: Touch (or self)
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched

By means of
this spell, an illusionist protects him- or
herself or another touched creature
with temporary, illusory armor.

armor has no weight, nor does it
encumber its wearer or in any way
affect movement or the drawing of
weapons or rearrangement of clothing
“under” the armor. To the wearer, it is
“not there”—invisible and undetectable,
making no metallic sounds when struck
or moving, and so on. To others, it
appears as translucent, ghostly armor,
visible in outline but non-reflective and
soundless. It protects the wearer as if it
were real plate mail (i.e. AC3), but is
immune to rust monster attacks, and
does not conduct electrical discharges.

It cannot be disbelieved by opponents,
and lasts for the spell duration regardless
of how much damage it absorbs (it
absorbs 3 hp of damage per attack
directed at the wearer). This improved
phantom armor does not hamper
spellcasting or the exercise of any class
abilities, confers a +1 bonus against all
attacks protected against by magic
armor, and completely covers the protected
creature, who may be of any size
(e.g. a horse or mule), fitting perfectly.

The armor wearer looks as if it were
shadowed by far larger, more powerful
armored creatures who stand behind it
and move with it. Creatures of 2-7 intelligence
(“Semi-” and “Low”) who
observe this effect will flee in fear of
the strange and powerful armored
creature they face; more intelligent
creatures are disconcerted and may
respect the potential powers of the protected
being more than they otherwise

MC: A small fragment of real armor: plate or metal mail-weave.
Selvar's Ineffable Conjurations, Magicks, and Phantasms - - - Books of the Forgotten Realms


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