Spellstrike (Alteration)


Level: 9
Range: 1"/level
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

This rare and
potent magic enables the magic-user to
instantly negate, and cancel all effects
of, any one spell.

The spell may only be
one that took effect in the previous
round, or that is being cast in the same
round as the spellstrike is uttered.
The precise nature of the spell need
not be known to the caster of the spellstrike,
but a particular spell must be
willed to not be—i.e. “whatever spell
that being is casting” or “the spell that
made X turn purple last round”, not
“any spell that affected X last round.”
Spellstrike does not cause a spell to be
reflected back on anyone, but merely to
cease to exist, and dissipate harmlessly.
Spell-like powers are affected by this
spell, but magic item and artifact
powers are not. Permanency is affected
by a spellstrike, but contingency (and
spells tied to it), alter reality, limited
wish, and wish are not.
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