Unique Mageries

This large, thin tome measures four
handwidths across by ten in height, and
its covers are of carved and polished
ivory, with black obsidian inlays picking
out the letters of the title, surrounded
by a circle. The book has twenty-one
gilt-edged parchment pages; each contains
one spell.

History and Description
This boastfully-titled volume is the
work of the long-ago mage Nezram
“Worldwalker”, who left it behind some
seven hundred years past when he ventured
to another plane—and never

Nezram’s tower in the sparsely settled
southwestern reaches of
Mulhorand was later destroyed by a
young green dragon, Chathuuladroth.
The dragon tore apart the tower and
seized the tome along with Nezram’s
other treasures, flying off westward
into lonely, mountainous areas. Somewhere
therein Chathuuladroth laired,
and held the book in its hoard for six
centuries, growing vast and terrible
and amassing much treasure.

The adventuring company known as
The Black Gauntlet finally slew the
great dragon, and bore Unique Mageries
back to their stronghold near Starmantle.
The company later disbanded
in disarray after the deaths of its leaders,
the fighter Jhastan and the mage
Quarra, at the claws of an improperlysummoned
demon. The book disappeared.
In the meantime, in need of
money, Quarra (“a fey lady,” Elminster
comments) had rented the book to
Elminster for a time, and he noted its
contents and copied those spells he

The book contains four truly unique
spells (that is, hitherto found nowhere
else) and seventeen standard (PLAYERS
HANDBOOK) spells, all listed below.
The volume contains:

  • magic missile,
  • stinking cloud,
  • wizard lock,
  • dispel magic,
  • feign death,
  • gust of wind,
  • infravision,
  • tongues,
  • water breathing,
  • fear,
  • fumble,
  • polymorph self,
  • remove curse,
  • wall of sand (unique spell, detailed below),
  • wizard eye,
  • telekinesis,
  • antimagic shell,
  • Nezram’s ruby ray (unique spell, detailed below),
  • spelltrap (unique spell; detailed below),
  • power word: blind,
  • spellstrike (unique spell, detailed below).


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