Ten Towns


Population: 6,500
Government: A council spokesman, one
from each town In general the smaller
towns follow the lead of Bryn Shander and
Targos. Cassius, spokesman of the Ten
Towns, is the accepted leader.

The Ten Towns of Icewind Dale, home to a
multitude of men and women with "checkered" pasts,
are truly on the cutting edge of
adventure, in the farthest (and coldest!)
reaches of the Savage Frontier. Built up
around three lakes, Maer Dualdon, Lac Dinneshere
and Redwaters, the Ten Towns are
relatively young, founded less than 30 years
ago by exiles and renegades from southern
lands. In the past five years, the towns have
survived two major attacks, the first from
tundra barbarians and the second from the
forces of Akar Kessell, a mad wizard under
the power of the evil artifact Crenshinbon,
the Crystal Shard. The second attack
destroyed and depopulated two of the
towns. They were reconstructed and are
now occupied by "civilized" tundra barbarians.

The towns, Bryn Shander, Targos, Bremen,
Termalaine, Caer-Konig, Caer-Dineval,
Easthaven, Good Mead, Dougan's Hole, and
Lonelywood, are all fiercely independent
and fiercely competitive with one another,
particularly with towns that share the same
lake. Fighting between rival ships is not

If one needs a place to hide, the Ten Towns
may be the last place anyone will come to
look... or the first.

Economy: Fishing provides primary sustenance,
supplemented by meager farming.
Scrimshaw-carved knucklehead trout head
bones are sold to merchants from the south.
The largest town, Bryn Shander, is the center
of trade.

Militia: Each of the Ten Towns can field a
home guard of 100 to 500 men armed with
dwarven weapons and light armor. The
towns of Bremen and Caer-Konig are home
to tundra barbarians.

Ecology Fund

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