3. Servants’ Quarters

This room is furnished with a table, stools,
3 piles of dirty straw, several battered pots
&& bowls, and assorted armor and weaponry.
Three bugbears are at the table casting bones
(dice). These creatures are servants to the matron
and are supposed to cater to her wants
and needs. They are an uncontrollable group,
and immediately attack any characters who interrupt
their business. <Bats> && swords are <longswords>
on the floor near THEM. On the table in front
of them are 75 gp. The door to room #4 is
bolted and braced shut with a chair.

Bugbears (3): hp 25, 23, 20;
XPV 235, 227, 215

>>4. Servants’ Quarters>>