4. 1st Teleportation Room

There is no light in the room. The room is
70’ x 70‘, and is 110’ high. There is a door-sized
opening in the center of the far wall. The
floor is littered with bones and refuse. In each
of the 4 corners of the room, 90 feet off the
ground, is a 5’ x 5’ stone ledge. Each ledge is 6
inches thick and supported by a 10-foot stone
buttress. Standing on each thick ledge is a
Type I demon. As these demons are somewhat
stupid, there is only a 60% chance (determined
separately for each) that they will use
telekinesis; but if so, a demon will draw one
unarmored or lightly loaded character toward
its ledge, and then drop the character from a
height of 10-100 feet (Dmg 1-6 per 10-foot <cf. Falling Damage>
fall). Demons not using this ability will swoop
down to melee with the party.

This room contains no treasure. If all the
demons are slain, the iron Pyramid from the
Egg softly turns and starts to glow. (If the Egg
has not been opened, characters notice a hum
from inside it.) The party (including gear and
dead bodies) is teleported to Web Level Two at
point A. If the party does not possess the Egg
or the iron Pyramid, the teleportation does
NOT occur.

Type I Demons (4): hp 49, 47, 46, 46; xpv
1,765, 1,745, 1,735, 1,735
