7. Giants’ Quarters

In this room are beds, chairs, a table, and <chairs=x>
two locked chests. All of this furniture is oversized, <chests=x>
made for USE by giants. The room is the
quarters for the 2 hill giant guards in room
#8. Any loud noises from this room will bring
the giants to investigate. The 2 chests are
untrapped, but 10 battered bells are nailed
inside the lid of 1, and these will alert the
guards if the chest is not opened with caution.
The chests contain a total of 10 rocks, 20 broken
bones, 1 iron kettle with a hole in it, a
sack of very hard biscuits, a few evil-smelling
rags, and 2,000 loose gp.

>>8. Guard Station>>