
by Jay Batista
T'u Lung Cities of T'u Lung - Oriental Adventures Kara-Tur

From its birth in 1672 to its destruction in 2403,
Balanzia was the biggest port city in all of the southlands.
Its reputation was built on its easy access to
Zastrasai Bay and the Straits of Va?shung, its great sea
wall and its magnificent towers. For many years this
city was the heart of the south, where the Emperor of
Shou sent his fleets and merchants to search for the most
exotic gifts and wares. Sailors from all of Kara-Tur
called this port their home, and it was common to
see all nationalities here, from wild southern jungle
men to Cold Koryoans and the legions of Wa (Kozakura
was not known to exist at this time). Raw jade
and magic woods, pottery and ceramics, brass and iron
and hardened steels, all were brought to Balanzia
to trade, for the best prices were to be negotiated

The people of Balanzia grew arrogant and powerful
ignoring the challenges of other cities, states or
emperors. And for many years their pride was justified,
as no power could breech their great sea wall or
conquer their militia and navies. These foolish people
began to compare their city to the Palaces of the Celestial
Heavens, and huge civic projects were begun to
enrich the wide streets and squares with fancy
murals and statues, and multi-colored banners and
tapestries were hung from the houses. Balanzia
became the most beautiful city in Kara-Tur.

In 2368 a wandering wiseman named Loarru the
Just came to Balanzia, and in the center of the town he
had a vision of the mighty city's fall. The walls would
be breached by many battles, and when they fell for
the sixth time, the pride of this city would turn to
madness. The Celestial Heavens would punish the
people for their arrogance, and their beauty would be
turned to insanity. For years this wiseman wandered
the streets of this town preaching his message of
death and destruction, but his cries went unheeded.
T?u Lung was at war with Shou again, and numerous
battles raged on the Plains of Blood. In the year
2397, the north wall of Balanzia was breached for the
very first time, though it was repaired and the city
staved off invasion. The next year it happened again,
but once again the city's defenses held firm against the
enemy In the year 2400 the Gate of Shuza was collapsed
and two months later the great sea wall was
overcome by a pirate gang. After the thieves had been
routed, many of the people remembered the prophecy
of Loarru the Just, and some began to leave the
port city. Again, the north wall fell to the warriors of
Shou in 2402, and after a huge and bloody battle, the
city barely turned away the waves of invaders! The
proud inhabitants of Balanzia began to fear the words
of Loarru, and refugees sailed away to the safer lands
of Ausa and Wai.

In 2403 the great wu jen Moia Chun used a mighty
elemental to bring the north wall tumbling down, and
the fearful warriors of Balanzia broke rank and fled
for the sea. The people went insane with fear and
thousands were killed or trampled as they tore down
the great sea wall to escape the encroaching armies of
Shou Lung. Men ran mad in the streets and monstrous
fires swept through Balanzia. In less than a
month, the city was deserted, haunted by ghosts and
evil spirits, and it is avoided to this day!
I was given these maps of old and current Balanzia
by a shukenja named Doraxo Bwen. The places he has
marked in his key to the old city he swears still stand
today, although his reports may not be reliable.

Key to Old Balanzia, circa 2310
1. The shipyards of the master wright Pokan
2. The docks of Balanzia
3. The castle of E?tuing clan, lords of Balanzia
4. The mansion of Wai Udo Chung, cousin to the Emperor of T'u Lung
5. The compound of the Ty clan
6. The towers of Angu Riz the wu jen and seer
7. The great mansion of the merchant Rhot Chu Asivna
8. The house of the moneychanger, Keno
9. The shop of Tugudo the Lance-maker
10. The military school of Wan Tonki
11. The Cotnui park and zoo
12. The Temple of the East
13. The warehouses and. homes of Xu
14. The house of Zittra the Witch
15. The observatory of Minkra the Sage
16. The Yellow Magpie Inn
17. The great sea tower of Horsa the Warrior
18. The market
19. The Fendo clan house
20. The library of Ont the Wise
21. The yards of Yekolda the blacksmith
22. The White Dog Inn
23. The Bonaku Boarding House
24. The Wachuni clan house
25. Nendra the Wu Jen's home and tower
26. The Cantun clan house
27. Captain Onakoo Wee's home
28. The merchant Zia'ui Denti's house
29. The Gate of Hang'to
30. The Gate of Shuza
31. The Gate of Benchu
32. The Great Sea Wall
33. The Left Sea Tower of Balanzia, housing the magic bowl of Tru Jakee
34. The E?nnuka Suindu Inn
35. The yards of Gheta Xax, the merchant of Tabot
36. The yards and storehouse of the Bahn clan
37. The mansion of Pudda the Strong
The Village of Anechu
This is one of my favorite spots. Anechu is run by a
righteous man named Ho Kui Dung, an honest and
trustworthy member of the great Ho clan. His village
is prosperous, and the people are happy. There is an
inn there called the Hearth Warmth which serves the
finest food in all T'u Lung. The local temple has a golden
statue of Ju Shou, the West, and I often make offerings
at this altar, since Ju Shou has helped me in the