The Flooded City, Ca'hong Chwi

by Jay Batista
T'u Lung Places of Interest - Oriental Adventures Kara-Tur

When Shou originally built the Broken Road, it ended
at the gates of a mighty city called Ca'hong Chwi.
This massive fortress and walled town sat on the edge
of the wild Henai River, and it was filled with loyal
men of Shou, who never allowed the men of the south
to have status in Ca'hong Chwi. It became a hated
symbol of the northern Emperor's power and domination.
It was this way for hundreds of years and the
people of the south sought revenge against the haughty
"shih" who held Ca'hong Chwi.

When the south revolted, the people of Ca'hong Chwi remained loyal to Shou and the Hodo'ung Cha
garrison sent troops and began a siege of the city. The
forces were equally matched and the siege lasted for
months. It began to look as if the walls of Ca'hong
Chwi would never fall, then the hero Wantu Fang had
a marvelous idea. He asked the garrison to aid him in a
civic project north of the sieged city. The proud Shou
sympathizers in Ca'hong Chwi celebrated as the
attacking armies marched away, but soon their victory
cries faded to weeping!

Wantu Fang had commissioned the garrison forces
and all the local people to build the S'tuni Dam, and
soon the water was rising and flooding the magnificent
city of Ca'hong Chwi! It took four months to complete,
but soon the entire city was flooded, and the
AREA was irrigated into one of the most prosperous
districts in all T'u Lung. The people of Ca'hong Chwi
were caught and executed, and all that remains of the
city are five towers that still rise out of the center of
Sin Bukai Lake. There are only rumors now, of the
ghost of the lake that wanders from tower to tower in
the moonlight, and of fantastic treasures left behind
in the flooded city.