W. Epladimus Adrastus Blab (Thanks: Ed Hauser)
(LG hm P5: Warder)

RA: h
SX: m
AL: lg
ST: 12
IN: 10
WI: 14
DX: 10
CN: 10
CH: 17
LV: 5
HP: 28
AC: 2
SL: -
+H: -
+D: -
DB: -
SB: +2
#AT: 1/1
R/AT: -
AG: 7 [mature]
AP: 8 [foppish]
PO: 3 [scant]
SA: 1 [very stable]
GT: 9 [curious/inquisitive]
#H: 1-10
<drank an elixir of madness>
<his pregnant wife died on one of the altars of sacrifice in The Temple of Elemental Evil>