This large chamber was once an extensive library, as evidenced by the charred
remains of books and litter of broken
tables and chairs. Scraps of torn and
burned scrolls are tossed here and there.

A careful SEARCH reveals several remnants of
works on the ethos of Chaotic Evil
double-dealing, self-advancement, treachery, etc. The tenth such bit examined reveals
the "sacred" earth triangle and mentions the
"trial of earthy terrors awaiting the foolhardy"; this trial awaits "below/elsewhere. "
Nothing else of note is in the place.

<1. double dealing>
<2. self-advancement>
<3. treachery>
<keep reading?>
<4. individual freedom & choice>
<5. individual volition & success>
<6. freedom, randomness, & woe>
<keep reading?>
<7. power, glory, & prestige>
<8. life has no value>
<9. whim & caprice>
<keep reading?>
<10. see above.>

Level 1.