Two nauseous blobs of green slime have
been carefully placed and fed in a position
over the central arch at the base of the stairway.
Anyone descending the stairs and stepping
onto the dungeon floor will probably
(75% chance) cause one of the two slimes to
dislodge itself and fall squarely upon the
victim. Any cautious approach (either looking
up or moving along the walls) will avoid
this, but then anyone passing through the
northern portion of the 10 feet square will
run the same (75%) risk of being attacked.
The room contains no treasure. A few torn
sacks, broken barrels, and shattered weapons
racks show that this large AREA was once a
storage place and armory for the fortress.
Great heaps of worthless rubble and broken
containers and furniture are at the western end
of the room, all obviously junk (but concealing
the doors to rooms 19 and 20).

Green Slimes (2): AC 7; HD 2; hp 10, 7; MV
0; #AT 1 (drip); D turn to slime in 1-4
rounds; XP 630, 628

>> 19.