Birthplaces for Demi-Human Characters:

World of Greyhawk

01-02  Bissel
03-09  Celene
10-11  Dyvers
12-13  Furyondy
14-17  Geoff
18-19  Gran March
20-21  Great Kingdom
22-24  Greyhawk
25-28  Highfolk
29-30  Idee
31-33  Irongate
34-35  Keoland
36-37  Nyrond
38-39  Theocracy o/t Pale
40-41  Perrenland
42  Shield Lands
43-44  Spindrift Isles
45-48  Sunndi
49-50  Tenh
51  County of Ulek
52-58  Duchy of Ulek
59  County of Urnst
60-62  Valley of the Mage
63-66  Veluna
67-68  Verbobonc
69-72  Wild Coast
73-74  Yeomanry
75-78  Dreadwood
79-82  Gamboge Forest
83-86  Gnarley Forest
87-90  Grandwood Forest
91-96  Vesve Forest
97-00  Welkwood

01-04  Bissel
05-06  Dyvers
07-08  Furyondy
09-12  Geoff
13-16  Gran March
17-18  Great Kingdom
19-20  Greyhawk
21-24  Highfolk
25-26  Idee
27-28  Irongate
29-34  Onnwal
35-38  Theocracy o/t Pale
39-42  Perrenland
43-46  Ratik
47-48  Spindrift Isles
49-54  Sterich
55-59  Sunndi
60-63  Tenh
64-66  County of Ulek
67-78  Principality of Ulek
79-80  County of Urnst
81-83  Duchy of Urnst
84-90  Wild Coast
91-94  Yeomanry
95  Gnarley Forest
96  Grandwood Forest
97-00  Welkwood

01-02  Bissel
03  Bone March
04-05  Celene
06-07  Dyvers
08-09  Furyondy
10-11  Geoff
12-13  Gran March
14-15  Great Kingdom
16-17  Greyhawk
18-19  Highfolk
20-21  Idee
22-25  Irongate
26-27  Keoland
28-29  Nyrond
30-31  Theocracy o/t Pale
32-33  Perrenland
34-37  Ratik
38  Shield Lands
39-40  Spindrift Isles
41-42  Sterich
43-45  Sunndi
46-47  Tenh
48-52  County of Ulek
53-54  Duchy of Ulek
55-56  Principality of Ulek
57  County of Urnst
58-61  Duchy of Urnst
62-63  Valley of the Mage
64-68  Veluna
69-73  Verbobonc
74-78  Wild Coast
79-80  Dreadwood
81-84  Gamboge Forest
85-88  Gnarley Forest
89-90  Grandwood Forest
91-95  Vesve Forest
96-00  Welkwood

01-02  Bissel
03-05  Celene
06-07  Dyvers
08-11  Furyondy
12-13  Geoff
14-16  Gran March
17-19  Great Kingdom
20-22  Greyhawk
23-25  Highfolk
26-27  Idee
28-32  Irongate
33-35  Keoland
36-38  Nyrond
39-40  Theocracy o/t Pale
41-42  Perrenland
43  Shield Lands
44-45  Spindrift Isles
46-47  Sterich
48-49  Tenh
50-57  County of Ulek
58-60  Principality of Ulek
61-66  County of Urnst
67-74  Duchy of Urnst
75-76  Veluna
77-83  Wild Coast
84-87  Yeomanry
88  Dreadwood
89-90  Gamboge Forest
91-92  Gnarley Forest
93-94  Grandwood Forest
95-96  Vesve Forest
97-00  Welkwood

01-06  Bandit Kingdoms
07-09  Bissel
10-14  Bone March
15  Dyvers
16  Furyondy
17-19  Geoff
20-21  Gran March
22-24  Great Kingdom
25-27  Greyhawk
28-32  Horned Society
33-37  Iuz
38  Keoland
39  Nyrond
40  Theocracy o/t Pale
41-44  Perrenland
45-49  Pomarj
50-54  Ratik
55-58  Shield Lands
59-60  Spindrift Isles
61-63  Sterich
64-65  Sunndi
66-70  Tenh
71  County of Urnst
72  Duchy of Urnst
73  Veluna
74  Verbobonc
75-79  Wild Coast
80-81  Yeomanry
82-84  Dreadwood
85-87  Gamboge Forest
88-90  Gnarley Forest
91-94  Grandwood Forest
95-96  Vesve Forest
97-00  Welkwood


Ecology Fund

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