Kewl River

World of Greyhawk

A tributary of the Sheldomar which divides the Duchy from the County of Ulek.

Originally Posted by Virel
Gary, will you share the orgin of the the "Kewl River" on the Greyhawk map with us?

Reason I ask is the very first time I saw that word was on the Greyhawk maps.
The "Kewl River" near the Gnarley Forest.
This was way back in 1980.
Does word Kewl have a history before GreyHawk?

Flip a few letters around and you get "Welk" as in Welkwood Forest also in Greyhawk.
Is there some sort of anagram connection?

Or have I just spent too much time looking at Darlenes wonderful maps of your Greyhawk setting?

While I hate to give so prosaic a response, I fear i must.

When i was naming terran features and cities, the name "Kewl" came to mind and seemed right--short and simple.
I have to admit i diidn't think of it as sounding loke "cool," or being an anagram for "Welk."

So it is one of the non-special meaning/origin names!

<make added entry for Zeif>

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