Huma & The Silver Dragon

NPCs of Long Ago

Huma, Knight of Solamnia

    Huma is a tall, well-built man of approximately
thirty years, although he looks older.
He has long, chestnut brown hair, streaked
with gray. He wears the tradtional long moustache
of the knights, also streaked with gray.
His eyes are a deep brown and appear to be able
to see a man's strengths && weaknesses.
Huma's face is weary && sorrowful, for he has
seen the evil in the world and grieves over it.
His rare smiles are warm and caring.

    Although only a Knight of the Crown (Huma
did not have the requisite pure blood line to
become a Knight of the Rose), he is a natural
leader and even higher ranking Knights follow
him willingly. His men love him and would
gladly lay down their lives for him. Huma is a
devout Knight and faithful follower of Paladine.
He is the soul of honor and chivalry.

    If his spirit is met after death, the downfall
of the Knights will grieve Huma deeply,
though he is wise enough to admit that the
Knighthood has problems that must be remedied
or it will be lost forever. His spirit will
fight beside any true Knight, particularly if
that Knight calls upon Paladine to aid him.

Huma (NPC)

(8th-level Human Knight of the Crown)
18/56 8 14 16 15 13

HP: 56
AC: 0

    There are many ways in which a PC
could meet Huma. His spirit could
appear to a Knight fighting during the War of the Lance,
for example. The DM can devise a
campaign based on the early Dragon Wars, in
which players can fight beside Huma.

The Silver Dragon

    Huma fell in love with the Silver Dragon when
she was in the form of a woman. SHe
loved the Knight and prayed to Paladine to
allow her to become a mortal woman so that
she could remain with Huma. Paladine
showed them the future. If she remained a
dragon, she and Huma would be given the
dragonlance and the power of defeating the
evil dragons. If she became a mortal woman,
she and Huma would find happiness for a
time, but the evil dragons would remain in
the world. She and Huma both chose to fight
the evil, even though it meant sacrificing their

    The spirit of the Silver Dragon might well
appear with Huma to help a true Knight battle
his enemies. Those campaigning with
Huma would certainly know her. In woman
form, she is extraordinarily beautiful, with silver hair &&
silvery grey eyes. In battle, she
wears silver armor that appears to be made of
dragonscales. The sight of her fills all who see
her with awe and reverence. She and Huma <Cha 19?>
are devoted to each other.

    Besides appearing to any true Knight in
much the same way as Huma, the spirit of the
Silver Dragon might fight at the side of any
woman battling the forces of evil.

The Silver Dragon (NPC)

HP: 70
AC: -1

    Other stats are as a very old silver
dragon in the Monster Manual.
   Abilities: Change shape to human form.

<problem: the silver dragon is breathing fire in the image>