Silver Dragon (Draco Nobilis Argentum)

FREQUENCY : Very rare ([Cold Wilderness Mountains])
FREQUENCY : Very rare ([Cold Saltwater Surface])

FREQUENCY : Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Mountains])
FREQUENCY : Very rare ([Temperate Freshwater Surface])
FREQUENCY : Very rare ([Temperate Saltwater Surface])

FREQUENCY : Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Mountains])
FREQUENCY : Very rare ([Tropical Freshwater Surface])
FREQUENCY : Very rare ([Tropical Saltwater Surface])

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level IV]) (VY/Y: Very young/Young)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level V]) (SA, YA: Sub Adult, Young Adult)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VI]) (A: Adult)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VII]) (O: Old)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VIII]) (VO: Silver)
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level IX]) (AN: Ancient)
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level X]) (AN, O: Ancient, Old)

MOVE : 9"/24"
HIT DICE : 9-11
% IN LAIR : 55% (3 Silver Dragons: mountain, TPL56:7th, REF4.62)
NO. OF ATTACKS : 3 ~ 12 (HD 9) | 10 (HD 10-11)
DAMAGE/ATTACK : 1-6/1-6/5-30
SPECIAL ATTACKS : Breath weapons + possible spell use
INTELLIGENCE : Exceptional
ALIGNMENT : Lawful good
SIZE : L (48' long)

    Speaking : 75%
    Magic-Use : 75%
    Sleeping : 15%

Silver dragons select mountain peaks, clouds, and similar locales in which to establish their abode.
It is claimed that this dragon can be found in the home of the King of Good Dragons as well as behind other winds as well.
Much as a gold dragon, these creatures are able to polymorph themselves in order to appear as an animal or human (typically a kindly old man or fair damsel if the latter.)

When in combat a silver dragon is able to attack with claw and fang or use either of its two breath weapons - a cone of frost (cold) 8" long with a 3" base, or a cloud of paralyzing gas 5" long by 4" wide by 2" high which will take immediate effect upon all within it unless they save versus dragon breath.

Silver dragons who are able to USE magic are able to employ a max. of ten spells. At each of the first two ages they gain two 1st and 2nd level spells respectively. At each age thereafter they gain an additional spell - 3rd level at subadult and young adult, 4th level at adult and old, and 5th level if very old and ancient. Thus, a very young silver dragon of this abilityy would know two 1st level spells, a young one would know two 1st and 2nd level spells, etc. Furthermore, 25% of magic-using silver dragons have books of spells, so they may select spells for use rather than knowing only a limited number per level.

DLA: Certainly the dragons most beloved by
mankind are the silver dragons. These dragons
mingled with most of the races of Krynn.
Forty-eight feet long, silver dragons can polymorph into
human || elven form. Unlike gold dragons, silver dragons sometimes seem to
prefer this form to their own. They enjoy
being around humans && elves and helping
them if they can. Silver dragons attack with
claws && teeth or USE either of two breath
weapons--a cone of frost or a cone of paralyzing
gas. They speak many languages, but usu.
prefer human || elven tongues. Silver
dragons are xcellent M-Us.

The most famous of the silver dragons is
Dargent, who met the Companions in the
form of the Kagonesti elf maid Silvart. SIster
to the silver dragon who fell in love with
Huma, Dargent was also destined to fall in
love with a mortal--Gilthanas, a lord of the
Qualinesti elves. Their love affair was a tragic
one, however, for Gilthanas could never bring
himself to accept Dargent's true form.

Question: If you caught a newly hatched silver dragon and
raised it, would it have your alignment or its mother’s align-

Answer: It would retain the alignment of its parents, since that is
what its natural tendencies are. — J. Wells

XP Totals by Ardanow Silverbow

DRAGON, SILVER (additional special abilities: low AC, high damage)
Dragon, silver (small, very young) 2308 (2708 w/spells)
Dragon, silver (small, young) 2416 (2816 w/spells)
Dragon, silver (small, sub-adult) 2624 (3024 w/spells)
dragon, silver (small, young adult) 2732 (3132 w/spells)
dragon, silver (small, adult) 3440 (3840 w/spells)
dragon, silver (small, old) 3548 (3948 w/spells)
dragon, silver (small, very old) 3656 (4056 w/spells)
dragon, silver (small, ancient) 3764 (4164 w/spells)
dragon, silver (average, very young) 3440 (4040 w/spells)
dragon, silver (average, young) 3580 (4180 w/spells)
dragon, silver (average, sub-adult) 3870 (4470 w/spells)
dragon, silver (average, young adult) 4010 (4610 w/spells)
dragon, silver (average, adult) 5050 (5650 w/spells)
dragon, silver (average, old) 5190 (5790 w/spells)
dragon, silver (average, very old) 5330 (5930 w/spells)
dragon, silver (average, ancient) 5470 (6070 w/spells)
dragon, silver (huge, very young) 5126 (5976 w/spells)
dragon, silver (huge, young) 5302 (6152 w/spells)
dragon, silver (huge, sub-adult) 5628 (6478 w/spells)
dragon, silver (huge, young adult) 5804 (6654 w/spells)
dragon, silver (huge, adult) 7380 (8230 w/spells)
dragon, silver (huge, old) 7556 (8406 w/spells)
dragon, silver (huge, very old) 7732 (8582 w/spells)
dragon, silver (huge, ancient) 7908 (8758 w/spells)

Notes, by Prespos
9HD : LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: ?? (Sleeping)  | ?? (Magic-Use: Minor, defensive) | ?? (Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and (Minor, Defensive) Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and Magic-Use)
10HD : LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: ?? (Sleeping)  | ?? (Magic-Use: Minor, defensive) | ?? (Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and (Minor, Defensive) Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and Magic-Use)
11HD : LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: ?? (Sleeping)  | ?? (Magic-Use: Minor, defensive) | ?? (Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and (Minor, Defensive) Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and Magic-Use)

Silver Dragon


The silver dragon was not difficult to cobble together using the gold and blur dragon stats for reference.