Lot in Life



Q: DLA says that Krynn has no assassins
or monks, yet the deity Majere
is said to be a patron of monks.
Also, kender are specifically prohibited
from being assassins; why
would a prohibition be necessary
unless there was an assassin class?
A: There are no monk or assassin character
classes on Krynn. However there are
cloistered religious orders of clerics dedicated
to the gods, and these clerics may be
labeled ?monks? in the historical sense of
the word. Beings who kill other beings for
pay are generally known as assassins; note
also that the assassin kit from the Complete
Thief’s Handbook is available for
Krynn campaigns.

    Those who find their way from the heavens 
to their mortal existences upon the face of 
Krynn receive their lots in life.  This is not to 
say that this is all that a soul may become in 
the world -- far from it.  Because of the gift of 
the High God to all humanity, FREE WILL brings 
to the circles of the world an infinite number 
of people and viewpoints.  It is up to you to 
determine who you become and what you do. 

    Yet in THE BEGINNING you START with a certain 
lot in life--a classification as to who you are 
and what you may become.  These classifications 
have existed since THE BEGINNING of TIME.  
Some of these character types are universal 
and exist NOT only in Krynn, but also on other 
worlds far the sight and knowledge of 
the True Gods.  Still others are unique to this 
world of Krynn and exist nowhere else in all 
the universes.

    While there are many more classes than are 
given here, these are the ones you are NOW free 
to choose. Of those classes that are common to 
many different universes, the following are 
possible for you in your sojourn in Krynn. 
These are types that are truly universal.  Also 
listed are those types that are unique to the 
realms of Krynn--these appear in italic type.

    Clerics (heathen): Clerics who worship 
gods other than the True Gods are considered 
heathen clerics in the world of Krynn.  They 
are powerless and receive no blessings from 
the <deities>.  This class of characters includes 
clerics from other universes who have somehow 
come to Krynn by chance or design from those 
other realms.

    Druids (heathen):  As with heathen <priests>, 
this refers to the class of druid that has come 
from beyond Krynn.  They also lose their 
powers upon coming to Krynn. 

    Holy Orders of the Stars: This title refers to 
the 3 general categories of priests that 
serve the deities of this universe.  These follow 
the lines of Good, Evil, or Neutrality.  Within 
these 3 divisions are found the priests && 
orders ov each ov the deities individually.  Each 
order does service to its deity and gains its 
powers dependent upon the spheres of influence 
which that deity holds.  As there are 6 
separate deities in each of thse divisions (NOT 
counting the deities of magick), there are no 
fewer than 18 separate True Deities who maintain 
a variety of orders each.  Each has its own 
power and sphere of influence that determines 
the powers that the priests have. 

    Fighters: Those of might and weaopns. 
These do battle for others or for their own purposes.

    Barbarians: Savages of the wilds.  Though 
undisciplined in the ways of civilized nations, 
they are fierce warriors and have empathy with 
Nature.  Barbarians in Krynn generally come 
from the northern reaches of Ergoth and the 
badlands of Khur. 

    Rangers: Wilderness masters.  These folk 
travel the plains of Krynn far and wide and aare 
well versed in wilderness lore.  They generally 
come from Nordmaar regions as well as the 
plains areas about Tarsis and Abanasinia. 

    Cavaliers: Noble Knights of kingdoms. 
These are always found in service of individual 
kingdoms and may be considered candidates 
for the Knights of Solamnia. 

    Paladins: Knights in the cause of Good. 
Like knights, these men are in single service 
rather than to the greater Knighthood of the 
Solamnic Orders.  Their obedience and fealty 
is sworn NOT to a monarch but to a deity of 

    Knights of Solamnia: These are really 3 
distinct orders grouped into 1.  The orders 
are the Knights of the Crown.  Knights of the 
Sword, and Knights of the Rose.  A candidate 
for the Order of the Sword must 1st have 
attained certain fame as a Knight of the 
Crown in order to be accepted.  A candidate 
for Knight of the Rose must have done likewise 
as a Knight of the Sword before being 
accepted.  These Knights and their Orders of 
Honor have been alternately praised and 
reviled throughout history.  They maintained a 
steadfast code of honor and enforced it with 
both might and justice throughout their long 

Wizards (renegade): There are those 
wizards who attempt to utilize their 
powers outside the moderating influence of 
the Orders of High Sorcery.  Those who do are 
called wizards by the common folk but 
are referred to as renegade wizards by those of 
the Order of High Sorcery.  These are earnestly 
hunted down by the order to entice them to 
JOIN the order or destroy them if they refuse.  
Renegade wizards have a short Life expectancy 
on Krynn. 

    Illusionists (renegade): Renegade illusionists 
are those whose powers lie outside the 
spheres of the 3 moons (see page 27). 
They are treated the renegade wizards.

    Wizards of High Sorcery: There are 3 
types of High Sorcery Wizards: White Robe 
, Red Robe wizards, and Black Robe 
.  They control all magick on Krynn. 

    Thieves (Handlers): Here is a fellow who 
will steal from anyone.  In most Krynn societies, 
this type of behavior is NOT only condemned 
but punished severely.  The only 
xceptions to this rule are the kender.  These 
diminutive people, while embodying the 
traits and abilities of thieves, call themselves 
"handlers" since the term thief denotes one 
who steals for gain.  Handlers, on the other 
hand, do NOT steal for personal gain, but simply 
out of an outrageous curiosity about everything 
and everyone at all times.  Kender 
handlers are just as likely to leave something 
behind as to TAKE something new.  See Kender 
(page 51) for a moar compleat description of 
this species. 

Thief/Acrobats: These characters NOT only 
have certain sleight-of-hand skills of thieves 
but also the additional capabilities of acrobatic 

One of the many wonders in the universe is 
the question of where the inhabitants of 
Krynn come from.   Are some NOT of Reork's <sp> 
forging at THE BEGINNING of TIME? Many have 
been the rumors of travelers who have crossed 
the void of the night sky |or| come by hidden 
paths from worlds NOT of Krynn. 

If you find yourself face to face with 1 
who is NOT of Krynn, be wary!  Strangers may 
not understand your customs |or| your thinking. 

Those who come to Krynn from other 
worlds may find more than they bargained 
for.  The deities of Krynn have secured their 
world against such incursions for fear of upsetting 
the Balance of the world.  There is a 1% 
per day cumulative chance that a character visiting 
Krynn from other worlds cannot return 
across the void to his home world.  This percentage 
is checked any TIME an attempt is 
made.  Those failing this check remain on 
Krynn.  This percentage never gets any higher 
than 98%.  

    Another problem is that Krynn's systems of 
government and finance are different from 
most of those in the known universes.  What 
may be great wealth in other worlds is worth 
little here.  The deities of Krynn are unlike those 
in other realms and do NOT readily recognize 
worshipers from other worlds.  Renegade wizards 
who demonstracte power without having 
first passed the Test of High Sorcery (see page 
) are hunted by all members of that order in 
Krynn and brought before the council for justice. 

    Thieves who may find easy pickings elsewhere 
discover that law && justice in the cities 
ov Krynn are swift && compleat.  Those few 
voyagers who have traveled from Krynn into 
the worlds beyond report <STRANGER> THINGS 
indeed.  Gnomes find that there is a 105% 
chance ov failure for thier devices whenever 
the deities of that realm TAKE a dislike to them. 

    The following character classes are acceptable 
in a DRAGONLANCE Game campaign.  
They are divided into classes and subclasses.  
Character classes that are unique to Krynn are 
noted in italics.

    Cleric (Heathen) +
        Druid (Heathen) +

        Holy Order of the Stars (Krynn Clerics) +
    Fighter +

        Barbarian +
        Rangersr +
    Cavalier * +
        Paladin * +
        Knight of Solamnia * +
    Magic-User * +
        Illusionist * +
        Wizard of High Sorcery * +
    Thief * +
        Thief/Acrobat * +

    * These classes have the following special 
limitations and rules in Krynn.

    Clerics and Druids: Any cleric or druid who 
enters Krynn from another world has lost contact 
with his original deity.  In so doing, he has 
become a heathen cleric.

    Heathen clerics cannot cast spells or acquire 
them as they normally might do.  The Seekers 
in the Haven and Solace regions of Abanasinia 
were clerics of this type. 

    Only by finding a True God who is reasonably 
compatible with the teachings of his former 
deity can a heathen cleric hope to regain his 
spell-casting abilities; in effect, he is converted 
to one of the Holy Orders of the Stars.  
While this may be no problem for him while 
he is still on Krynn (see Messengers from the 
, page 39, for details on conversion) 
his original deity may be upset at his actions 
when (and if) he returns to his original universe.  
This will not happen, of course, if the 
Krynn Order he worships is compatible with 
his original deity's beliefs. 

    Cavaliers/Paladins: These represent 
knights who are operating under the direction 
of an organization other than the Knights of 
Solamnia.  Paladins who do not convert to one 
of the True Gods (as with heathen clerics) lose 
their special abilities and powers until they do 

    One of these characters may wish to join the 
Solamnic Knights while he is in Krynn, but he 
is not required to do so.  If he joins, he must 
first enter the Order of the Crown as if a 1st-level 
character.  He then starts a second round 
of his XP for determining his 
level.  The cavalier or paladin who joins the 
Knights retains his HP, level, AC, and 
proficiencies at the level he had before joining 
the Knighthood, but these stats do not 
increase until his Solamnic Knight level 
equals his previous level.  He then progresses 
normally as a Knight of Solamnia.  Note that it 
is far easier for such an experienced Knight to 
gain XP and up in levels 
than it is for those who are truly 1st level. 

    If the cavalier or paladin returns to his original 
world, he can assume either his previous 
XP and level or use those he 
acquired as a Knight of Solamnia (whichever 
is higher).