Celestian (Lesser Deity)

AL: Neutral good
WAL: Any good
SoC: Stars, Space, Wanderers
SY: Black circle with seven stars
CR: Black
PN: Astral

It is said that Celestian && Fharlanghn are brothers who followed similar but different paths.
While Fharlanghn traveled the world,
Celestian was drawn to the endless reaches of the stars and Astral Plane.
The Star Wanderer,
has only a small following in the Flanaess,
being revered by astronomers, astrologers, navigators, philosophers, dreamers,
and others involved with the cosmos or the sky.
Shrines to Celestian are located in the country,
away from city lights,
and are built on mountain peaks || hilltops with a clear view of the night sky.
Services to Celestian are held outdoors under a starry sky.

Celestian's Avatar

HD: 23
SpA: MU13
MV: 18"
AC: -5
hp: 104
#AT: 2
Dmg: By weapon +6
MR: 45%
S: 18 (00) I: 18 W: 16
D: 18 C: 18 CH: 17
Com: - -

Celestian appears as a tall,
lean, middle-aged man in black garments.
His symbol is an array of seven "stars" (diamond, amethyst, sapphire, emerald, topaz, jacinth, and ruby) blazing with the fires of distant suns.
This symbol is always part of his attire,
worn as an adornment or worked into the cloth.
His smooth skin is ebony,
and he has eyes to match.
His movements are quick and silent.
He speaks but seldom,
but then only in a cold,
unearthly whisper,
which carries well despite its softness.

Once per round,
he can use any magical spell involving movement || travel,
at the 18th level.
Celestian casts these spells in addition to any others he has memorized.
Each casting takes one segment no matter what its normal casting time.

Celestian typically carries one or more of the following weapons:
a magical long bow +3 with 20 +3 arrows;
a spear +4, normally 5 feet long but extending to 10 feet whenever Celestian wills;
a short sword +5;
a battle axe +4 that he can hurl up to 40 feet;
and a dagger +6 made of unbreakable metal.

Celestian also has the following powers,
usable at will,
once per day:

    Aurora--When he uses this power,
        an immobile,
        seven foot high hollow cylinder of scintillating light surrounds Celestian or any creature he chooses within a 20-yard range.
        The cylinder's radius can be anywhere from one to seven feet,
        at Celestian's option.
        The light lasts up to seven turns--Celestian can dispel it at will.

        Celestian and his clerics are immune to the effects of the cylinder,
        but any other living thing touching or touched by the light suffers 3d8 points of damage (save vs. spells for half).
        If a creature fails its saving throw it cannot leave the confines of the area.
        Those trying to enter the field must also make their saving throw to enter the area.
        The cylinder counteracts the effects of magic resistance.

    Comet--This is a flaming missile which can unerringly strike one target within 20 yards.
        The missile ignites any combustibles it touches.
        Its poisonous,
        flaming gases inflict 5d6 points of damage on anything it strikes (save vs. spells for half).
        The target must be constantly in sight for the spell to work.
        Even those creatures with fire resistance take the full effect of the comet damage.
        Celestian and his clerics are immune to the spell's effects, however.

    Heat Lightning--This spell calls a bolt of lightning down from the sky.
        The bolt unerringly strikes any single target within 70 feet of the caster,
        inflicting 5d10 points of damage (save vs. spell for half).
        The TARGET must be constantly in sight for the spell to work.
        Even those creatures with electrical resistance take the full effect of the lightning damage.
        Celestian and his clerics are immune to its force.

    Meteors--Seven to 16 (1d10+6) stone spheres,
        each six inches in diameter,
        shoot from Celestian's hand.
        They can be directed at a single target within 20 yards,
        or split among several targets.
        Each meteor inflicts 1d10+4 points of damage (save vs. spells negates, one save per striking meteor).
        The meteors may be released one at a time or simultaneously,
        but any not released before two turns have elapsed are lost.

    Space Chill--A wave of cold and vacuum,
        40 feet wide and 70 feet long,
        originates from Celestian's hands,
        kills all vegetation it touches.
        Other living things suffer 4d10 points of damage.
        A save vs. spells reduces total damage by one half.

    Star Shine-- A blazing white sheet of light streams from Celestian's eyes,
        enveloping up to four creatures up to 70 feet away.
        Targets are blinded for one turn (save vs. spells negates the effect).
        This blindness can be removed with a cure blindness spell or a successful [dispel magic].

    Thunder--A great, rolling thunderclap sounds directly over Celestian's head.
        All creatures within 30 feet that have fewer than 20 hit dice (except Celestian and his clerics) are stunned for one round and deafened for 1d4+1 rounds,
        no saving throw.
        Creatures between 30 and 70 feet are simply deafened (save vs. spell negates).

Celestian (or his spell-casting cleric) must be under the open sky to use any of these powers.
Casting time is instantaneous.
Saves, where applicable, are made at -3.

Celestian's Clerics

AL: Any good
RA: Black robe covered with stars
AEx: +10%
WPN: spear*, short sword, staff
SPH: Astral, Creation, Sun, Necromantic (minor), Healing, Guardian (minor)
SPL: see below
ADD: meteors, create water, [endure cold/heat], [resist cold], [resist fire], [flame walk], [create food and water], [quest], [chariot of Sustarre], [wind walk]

Priests of Celestian wander about emulating their deity,
whenever possible,
by traveling the depths of space.
They tend to be detached,
more concerned with the stars than with Oerthly affairs.
All Celestian priests study the stars and have a working knowledge of astronomy and navigation.
Priests gain special skills as they advance in level:
Level Spell
1st-2nd feather fall
3rd-4th [jump]
5th-6th [levitate]
7th-8th [spider climb]
9th-10th [fly]
11th-15th [dimension door]
16th & up [teleport]

Each special spell is gained immediately when the cleric reaches the listed experience level.
Special spells are cumulative,
so that a 16th level cleric has seven special spells per day.
Each spell is usable once per day.
Casting times are normal,
and the cleric casts the spells at his experience level.

These spells are granted like all clerical spells and the clerics don't have to study for them as a magic-user does.


MOVE: 18"
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapon type +6 (strength bonus)
ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good
SYMBOL: Black circle with seven stars
PLANE: Astral
FIGHTER: Ranger Lord (R15)
MONK/BARD: Nil/nil
    Attack/Defense Modes: All/all

S: 18/00
I: 20
W: 18
D: 20
C: 20
CH: 19

Celestian typically carries
