Fharlanghn (Lesser Deity)

WAL: Any (Neutral preferred)
SoC: Horizons, Distance, Travel
SY: Wooden disc with a curved line, representing the , across the upper half

CR: Brown, Green
PN: Prime Material

    Fharlanghn, Dweller on the Far Horizon, is venerated as
the deity of roads, as well as travel and distance, and his
name is usually invoked throughout the Flanaess whenever
a road is built or undergoes major repair. As the deity
of travel, his symbol is seen on the doorways of inns and
stables  throughout the continent. His non-priestly followers
are usu. adventurers, merchants, and itinerants
of all sorts. Services to Fharlanghn's are conducted out of
doors whenever possible, preferably under a sunny sky,
and with a clear horizon in view.

Fharlanghn's Avatar

HD: 18
SpA: CL/MU 9/9
MV: unlimited
AC: -5
hp: 85
#AT: 1
Dmg: 1d6+2
MR: 40%
S: 18 (25) I: 19  W: 18
D: 18  C: 19  CH: 17 
Com: - -

Fharlanghn appears as an elderly, weatherbeaten man
with deeply-wrinkled skin and sparkling, youthful green
eyes. He wears nondescript clothing, usu. leather and
unbleached linen. His garments are always travel-stained,
but seldom dirty. His movements appear slow and methodical,
but actually he's very spry. He will greet fellow travelers
politely, and is always glad to converse, but not at any
great length.

Fharlanghn can speak all the languages of Oerth and can
communicate with any intelligent creature through telepathy.
He can also read languages and magic, and can detect
charm, evil, good, illusion, magic, snares, and pits at will.
He can curse an enemy so that any journey of more than
one league will take twice as long as normal, no save. The
curse lasts one month, and can only be removed by a priest
of Fharlanghn of 10th level || higher || by a deity capable
of casting remove curse.

When he has initiative, he can attack and leap clear of an
opponent, just as though he were wearing boots of striding and springing--
except that he never falls after making a leap.
He is never surprised on the PMP, and is
immune to any spell involving earth.

His most common avatar is hit only by weapons of +2 or
better enchantment, regenerates 1 HP per melee
round, and has the abilities of a 9th level thief. No matter
what his form, he can CAST the following spells, one at a
time, once per round, at 18th level ability:

Dig, polymorph self, dimension door, pass without a trace,
dispel magic, plant door, earthquake, rock to mud, find the path,
stone tell, improved invisibility, transport via plants,
move earth, wall of thorns, pass plant, wind walk, pass wall.

Fharlanghn casts these spells in +addition+ to any others
he has memorized. Each casting takes one segment.

Fharlanghn always carries the Oerth Disc, an ornate version
of his symbol. This artifact, six "inches" in diam., is
made of many kinds of wood inlaid with jade && turquoise,
with a bright amber gem set into it. By concentrating on
the Disc, Fharlanghn can produce a tiny reproduction of
any locale on the PMP. After viewing this
image for a single round, Fharlanghn can teleport to the
locale pictured without error. Other viewers studying the
image for one round can teleport to the locale as though
it had been studied carefully.

The Disc can also shoot forth a burning golden ray of
varying intensity, once every ten rounds:
Pale yellow--This ray has the intensity of a continual light spell
and can light an AREA six feet in diam. and up to 600 feet long.
Brilliant gold--This ray is bright enough to cause any
creature to be permanently blinded (save vs. spell negates).
The ray is eight inches in diam. and can be up to 60 feet
long. Creatures that save when struck in the eyes, and all
creatuers within three feet of the ray, are dazzled by its
brilliance and blinded for one round.
Fiery red--This ray can slice through virtually anything.
The beam is pencil-thin and can be up to 16 feet long. The
ray can cut through 1/2 inch of stone or 1/4 inch of steel in a
single blast. Creatures struck by the ray suffer 10-60 (10d6)
points of damage (save vs. spell negates). The beam's heat
instantly sets fire to any combustibles it touches.

Fharlanghn's Clerics

RA: see below
AEx: none
WPN: Standard
SPH: Astral, Elemental, Healing, Weather, Summoning (minor), Combat (minor)
SPL: none
ADD: footsore, endure cold/heat, locate animal, resist cold, locate plant, resist fire, create food and water, locate object, plant door, tongues, quest, pass plant, transport via plants, find the path

Fharlanghn's priesthood is most active in the Central
and Southwestern Flanaess. There are two sorts of
priests: urban and pastoral. Urban priests wear brown
robes and maintain small chapels in towns && cities. Pastoral
priests wear green robes. Although they maintain
small wayside shrines, pastoral priests are wanderers, seldom
remaining in one place long and preaching as they go
from shrine to shrine. All clerics of Fharlanghn have an acute
sense of direction when wandering the outdoors. At
first level, all Fharlanghn clerics have a 35% chance to
avoid getting lost when travelling outdoors (see DMG), and
this increases 1% for each level gained.


Fharlanghn (Dweller on the Horizon)

(Lesser god, N(g) -- Horizons, Distances, Roads, Travel)

DAMAGE/ATTACK: 5-20 +3 (strength bonus)
WORSHIPERS' ALIGNMENT: Any (Neutral preferred)
SYMBOL: Disc with a curved line across it (the horizon)
PLANE: Oerth (PMP)
CLERIC/DRUID: 9th level cleric/9th level druid
MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: 9th level/9th level
THIEF/ASSASSIN: 20th level thief
    Attack/Defense Modes: All/all
S: 18  I: 18  W: 20 
D: 20  C: 20  CH: 19 
Com: - -

As Celestian (q.v.) wanders the starroads, his elder
brother, Fharlanghn, roams the four corners of the
world. He is, in fact, regarded as the god of travel and
distance. Fharlanghn sometimes enters the Elemental
Plane of Earth, but he seldom enters that of Air and
shuns those of Fire and Water. He can travel to any
inner plane, however.

Fharlanghn, Dweller on the Horizon, appears to be a
middle-sized man, with brown, leathery skin, creased
by many wrinkles. His bright green eyes belie his
seeming age. Fharlanghn's movements seem slow
and measured, but he actually moves quickly --
especially with regards to actual travel. Fharlanghn
will converse readily, although he is not loquacious.
He favors clothing of plain stuff such as leather and
unbleached linen.

His symbol is a wooden disc, with a curving line
representing the horizon across its upper part. It is
said that the deity himself wears such a symbol, made
of many sorts of wood, inlaid with jade and turquoise,
with a bright golden sun set into it. This symbol is
known as the Oerth Disc.

The Oerth Disc will depict any AREA of the surface of
the world. Fharlanghn simply looks upon the Disc,
concentrates, and the miniature of the land desired
appears in a 1/12,00 reproduction. It is then possible
to teleport (without error) to any locale so pictured.
The Oerth Disc will also shoot forth a burning,
golden ray of varying intensity:

-- A beam of pale yellow light
-- A ray  of brilliant golden colour, capable of dazzling or permanently blinding any creature struck in the eyes.
-- A coruscating rod of burning, fiery golden light which can slice through virtually any material known, and ignite combustible objects.

He can read languages and magic. He can detect
charm, evil, good, illusion, magic, and snares and
pits. He speaks all the tongues of Oerth and communicates
with other creatures by telepathic means. Fharlanghn
is most attentive to those on roads, paths, and
in long tunnels. He can strike with his iron-shod
staff, hitting unfailingly any creature he chooses. He
can curse an enemy so that any travel which is greater
than 1 league distance will be twice as long as normal.
Fharlanghn's curse ;asts a month, being removable
only by a High Priest (10th level) of Fharlanghn, or
by some other godling or deity able to do so.

If he desires, Fharlanghn can summon any one of the following types of elemental:
dust elemental, earth elemental, magma elemental, or mud elemental.

Fharlanghn is never surprised on the PMP.
Spells of earth do not affect him.

Fharlanghn always moves as if her wore
boots of striding and springing.

The various forms of the ray which can
be shot from the Oerth Disc have the
following effects:

Pale yellow -- This ray is equal in
brightness to continual light. The beam
has a diameter of 6 feet, and can be
projected up to 660 feet.

Brilliant gold -- This intense beam is
bright enough to cause any creature
struck in the eyes to be permanently
blinded (save vs. Spell applies). The ray's
diameter is just under 8 inches, and it can
be projected out to 66 feet. Even those
who save when struck full in the eyes, as
well as creatures within 3 feet of its shaft,
will be dazzled by its brilliance and
unable to see for 1-10 segments.

Burning, fiery golden light -- This
coruscating rod lances forth to slice
through virtually anything, out to a
distance of 16 feet, 6 inches. The ray will
cut through 1/2 inch of stone or 1/24
inch of steel in one blast. Creatures
struck by this pencil-thin ray suffer 10-60
points of damage (save vs. Spell negates
all damage). The intense heat of this
beam instantly sets aflame any
combustible object it touches.

In addition to the spells commensurate to
his level of expertise as a MU,
illusionist, cleric, and druid, Fharlanghn
also has the following spells available on
an unlimited basis:
dig polymorph self
dimension door pass without trace
dispel magic plant door
earthquake rock to mud
find the path stone tell
fly stone to flesh
improved invisibility  transport via plants
move earth wall of thorns
pass plant wind walk
pass wall -

He also has the following spells on a limited basis, as indicated:

    duo-dimension    1 per day
    phase-door         2 per day

If desired, Fharlanghn can summon any
one of the following types of earth

Dust Elemental: A 16-HD earth
elemental doing only 2-12 points of
damage per attack, blinding cloud of dust
which covers an AREA of 9,000 cubic feet.
In the latter form, the elemental does not strike,
but it obscures the vision of all within it
to a 1-foot range and causes 1-4 points of
suffocating damage each round. In the
latter state, the elemental can be harmed
only by magic, but it can stay in a cloud
only three rounds. (It can be summoned
only in dry, dusty areas such as deserts,
prairies, etc.).

Earth Elemental: Typical, 16-HD

Magma Elemental: A 20-HD earth
elemental doing 6-36 points of damage
per attack (summoned only in
underground areas).

Mud Elemental: A 12-HD earth
elemental doing only 3-18 points of
damage per attack, but also able to spread
itself over an AREA of up to 400 square feet
and slow creatures to one-half their
normal movement, in +addition+ to its
normal attack (summoned only in wet
areas where mud already exists).

Fharlanghn uses all spells and power as at
18th level proficiency, even though he is
actually 9th level. Special powers take but
one segment of time to USE, save for the
summoning of an earth elemental, which
requires one round. The elemental comes
willingly and serves without duress for up
to one turn.

Fharlanghn can be hit only by +3 or better
magical weapons. He is never surprised
on the PMP.
Spells of earth do not affect him.
He regenerates 1 HP per round.


                                                              Clerics             Raiment                                                             Sacrifice/Propitiation
Sphere of Control Animal M F N-H Head Body Color(s) Holy Days Frequency Form Place of Worship

The priesthood of Fharlanghn is of two sorts, the
urban and the pastoral. The former wear brown robes
and generally are found in small chapels in communities.
Those of the pastoral order wear green robes and
minister by traveling the highways and byways, occasionally
stopping at wayside shrines to Fharlanghn.

Worshippers of Fharlanghn are most active in the
Central and Southwest regions of the Flanaess. Followers
of this deity are typically adventurers, merchants, itinerants, and the like.
Services are often conducted outdoors, under the sunny sky.
Deities of the World of Greyhawk - - - DDG

