Horned (Malebranche) (Greater devil) (Cornugun, Malibranchai - OSRIC)

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VII])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Astral Plane])

NO. APPEARING: 1-2 or 2-5
MOVE: 9"/18"
HIT DICE: 5 + 5
% IN LAIR: 55%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 or 1 + weapon ~ 13
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-4/1-4/2-5/1-3 or 1-3 and weapon
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Tail, spell use, psionics, spec. wpn. fork (2-12) or whip (1-4 + stun)
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Hit only by magic weapons
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
SIZE: L (9' tall)
    Attack/Defense Modes: B, C/F,G, H
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII | 1320 + 6

The "evil horns" (male branche) are primarily from Hell's sixth and seventh planes. These are the least of the greoter devils, and have such
names as "Dogretch" <"Dogvomit"> <"Dogbarf"> <"Dogpuke"> <"Dogchunks">, "Evil Tail," and "Bent Wing."
They hate anything stronger than themselves and fear stronger devils accordingly.

If armed, they will carry a two-tined fork (75%)which causes 2-12 points of
damage, or a barbed whip (25%) which will cause 1-4 points of damage
plus a stunning effect for the same number of melee rounds unless a
saving throw versus magic is made. An unarmed horned devil attacks with
a claw/claw/bite. Armed or unarmed these devils are also able to attack
with their tails, causing 1-3 hit points of damage and a wound which will
bleed thereafter unless bound up (lose 1 hit point/turn until bound or
cured). They exude feor in a 5' radius (saving throw versus wand applies).

Horned devils can do any one of the following, at will, once per turn or
melee round, as applicable: pyrotechnics, produce flame, ESP, detect
magic, illusion, or summon another horned devil (50% chance of success).
Once per day they can create a wall of fire of triple normal strength with
regard to the damage it causes (3-24 hit points). <note that 3-24 points is not triple damage for a wall of fire>

Aerial Combat: 18", class D. Horned devils will attempt to impale with their fork and rip with their tails as they pass.