<(The Viceroyalty of Malbolge)>

Manual of the Planes

Malbolge, the 6th Hell, is set upon a huge rockfall, as if the <v>
great building blocks of the Outer Planes were suddenly knocked <c>
into a great pile. Most of the plane is made of city-sized angular black stones that cover the entire realm.
These force travelers
into continual climbs & descents while moving across its surface <l:wsg>
and create huge passages and twisting, angular realms
beneath the surface where dark powers can confer.
The sky is alight with clouds of blood-red steam,
and the odor of burning permeates the air as stinking vapors rise from the regions below. <dsg: odor checks negated?>
(Malbolge may rest on an infinite<symbol> sea of lava. The layer of black stones,
hundreds of miles in thickness, prevents those on the
surface from being totally immolated.) Malbolge is <wsg: high temperature?> .d.o.t.t.e.d. with copper-shod fortresses, the homes of Moloch,
who rules this plane as the viceroy <(Canadian: premier)> of Baalzebul. <(Premier Moloch)>

alight with clouds of blood-red

Frequency of Devils on Malbolge (The 6th Hell)
Ruler = Moloch Abishai = 0 Arch = VVR Barbed = 0 Bearded = VR Bone = R Erinyes = 0 Horned = C
Ice = 0 Nupperibo = C Fiend = VR <alt> Spined = U Styx = U Achaierai = U Barghest = VR Daemon = VR
Hell Cat = U Hell Hound = R Hoardling = VR Imp = U Lemure = C Mephit = U Nightmare = R Rakshasa = R
Stench Kow = U - - - - - - -

<* what was that asterisk supposed to be for?>
