Chromatic Dragon


Lesser Goddess

FREQUENCY : Very rare <(Unique)>
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level X])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Astral Plane])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Ethereal Plane])

MOVE : 6"/18"
HIT DICE : 16 (128 hit points)
% IN LAIR : 90%
TREASURE TYPE : 100% [H], [S], [T], [U]
NO. OF ATTACKS : 6 ~ 7
DAMAGE/ATTACK : 2-16/3-18/2-20/3-24/3-30/1-6 <color>
SPECIAL ATTACKS : Breath weapons, poison sting, and magic use
ALIGNMENT : Lawful evil
SIZE : L (60' long)

    Speaking : 100%
    Magic-Use : 100%
    Sleeping : 10%

LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: X | 63,580 (for destroying material form) | 635,800 (if killed permanently)

Tiamat rules Avernus, The 1st Hell, where she spawns all of evil dragonkind.
She hates all good as fiercely as she loves cruelty and hoards wealth.
She is seldom (10%) outside her lair, but occasionally she comes to earth to place a new dragon or to seek more treasure.
She can travel astrally or ethereally.

Although her sheer size prevents claw attacks, Tiamat can bite with all five of her heads and sting with her tail at the same time, breathe with one or more of these heads or cast spells with one or more heads at the same time. Tiamat's heads are white, black, green, blue, and red. Her breath weapons correspond to the color of each head, exactly duplicating the size and shape of the appropriate dragon's breath weapon and doing damage equal to a huge, ancient dragon of the species applicable, i.e. 56 hit points frost (cold) damage, 64 hit points acid damage, 72 points gas (chlorine) damage, 80 hit points electrical (lightning) damage, and 88 hit points fire damage. She can use each breath weapon but once per day.

Note that each of her heads is also capable of employing two spells.
Tiamat's white head is able to cast two 1st level spells, her black head two 2nd level spells, her green head two 3rd level spells, her blue head two 4th level spells, and her red head two 5th level spells.
white black green blue red
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5
w1 w2 w3 w4 w5

<suggested spells can be given: they should be listed in a DL source>

Each of Tiamat's heads can withstand 16 hit points damage before going out of commission until regeneration replaces it the following day.
If her body takes more than 48 hit points of damage she is dispelled to her own plane of Hell (or slain if fought in Hell) just as any other devil.

When encountered in her lair, Tiamat will always have five consort/guards with her - one huge, adult male dragon of the white, black, green, blue, and red types respectively. They are all able to speak and use spells, if applicable.


Bahamut should be treated as a lesser god, though he very rarely has human worshipers.

Description: Tiamat's heads have already been noted. These colors run the length of each neck and into the forepart of the body as stripes, gradually blending to three stripes of gray, blue-green, and purple over her back and hind quarters, and merging into a muddy dark brown tail. Her underbelly and legs are greenish white fading into her upper body colors.

<Tiamat is listed under devil in the index at p.106>

MP: Tiamat has a cavernous lair in Avernus, the uppermost layer.
Her lair is filled with abishai and all manner of evil dragons and
their spirits. These she sends to lay low those who challenge or
displease her.

<note: Tiamat's lair is detailed in H4>
<note: see Melnibonean mythos in the DDG. iirc, these deities exist simultaneously on more than one plane. might this help to explain the 1e&DL cosmological contradictions?>


    Takhisis. The Queen of Darkness, Dragonqueen,
She of Many Faces--in all lands and cultures,
her countenance has been the visage of
evil. Her name is the call of darkness. Takhisis
led the shadows from Beyond and brought them
to aid in the creation of this cosmos. Her deeds
have ever since been a constant struggle to assert
her rule over all creation. It is, in her view, only
right and just that this be so.

    Sargonnas is her consort and has been since
before the beginning of all things known to
Krynn. They have but one offspring, that
being Nuitari, their dark son of black magic.
There is a respectful peace between Takhisis
and Sargonnas, yet they do not hesitate to use
their power to better their relative positions.

    The Dark Queen instigated the All-Saints
War before the beginning of Krynn and was
primarily responsible for the separation of the
gods at that time. She saw the prized spirits of
mortals that fell to Krynn as her key to final
triumph over all the other gods. To this end,
has she moved throughout the centuries to
take control of the world through the force of
her will and the power of her minions.

    All three of the Dragon Wars were instigated
at her behest and for her betterment.
This continued until Huron, using a powerfully
endowed dragonlance, drove the Dark
Queen from the face of Krynn and banished
her to the Abyss. Dragons of all kinds were
banished deep into the ground from whence
they came and soon passed into legend.

    Then the pride of the Kingpriest provided
Takhisis with new opportunities for her ambitions.
She had been brooding for nearly a millennium
over her plans of conquest and now
they were about to come to fruition. As the
Kingpnest and his nation fell into pride and
boasting, the way was open for her cunning
suggestions. The Cataclysm was the result.

    The Cataclysm caused great destruction in the
world of Krynn, but it did not destroy the Temple
of the Kingpriest as many had thought.
Instead, the temple was sent to the Abyss and
was soon discovered by the Queen of Darkness.
Using its presence and the great magics that she
commanded, she was able to force a portal
through Huron's banishment and again make
her way into the world. That story and the tale of
the Dragonlance Wars is told in more detail in
the historical sections of this text.

    Takhisis can appear in any form she wishes
and often takes on a disguise. She is most
often seen as either a five-headed chromatic
dragon or as a beautiful temptress. She is
equally deadly in either form.


Cleric/Black Robe Wizard (40th level each)
Alignment: LE
Movement: 18"/48"
AC: -10
HP: 999
HD: 40
# of Attacks: 4
Damage/Attack: 1-1000 * / 1-1000 * / 1-1000 * / 1-1000 *

    * The damage done by this attack is 1d10
times a number from 1 to 100, inclusive
(Takhisis gets to pick this number!). See the
prior entry for Paladine for more information
on this attack.

Q: Is Paladine Bahamut? Is Takhisis
A: Yes and no. Paladine and Takhisis are the
avatars or incarnations of Bahamut and
Tiamat in the Krynn universe. They each
have special powers within this setting.
Slaying Bahamut or Tiamat in another
universe will not affect Paladine or Takhisis,
and vice versa.

Q: In DRAGON issue #98, ?The
dragons of Krynn? said that Takhisis
fled to the Abyss, but not the one
which is home to all demonkind.
Which part of the Abyss did Takhisis
flee to? Where do the other gods of
Krynn live?
A: This is a difficult question to answer,
since Krynn?s exact position in the planes
is unclear. According to TSR?s Jeff Grubb,
the term Abyss, when used on Krynn,
refers to the lower outer planes in general.
Thus, Takhisis could have gone just
about anywhere. If you are using a planar
set-up similar to the one detailed in the
Manual of the Planes, the first layer of Hell
is the obvious choice for Takhisis since she
is an incarnation of Tiamat. Paladine?s
Dome of Creation is located on the Deep
Ethereal (Manual of the Planes, page 11).
Being a powerful lawful-good deity, Paladine
probably also maintains a residence
somewhere in the Seven Heavens and,
being an incarnation of Bahamut, probably
has a residence in the elemental plane of
Air. Other Krynn deities probably maintain
residences on the outer planes that match
their alignments, with additional residences
on planes that match their spheres
of influence. Gilean, for example, probably
has residences on the Concordant Opposition,
the Deep Ethereal (the Hidden Vale),
and the Astral planes.

Follower's Abilities

    Astral, Guardianship, Protection, Summoning

    VI: [animate object]

    II: [spiritual hammer]
    III: [create food & water]
    V: [flame strike]
    VII: unholy word

Spell List

ceremony <d>
endure/dispel cold/heat
protection from good
[purify food and water]
[resist cold]

[holy symbol]
[resist fire]
[silence, 15' r]
[spiritual hammer]
[wyvern watch]

bestow curse
continual darkness
[create food and water]
dispel magic <d> <3/4>
[flame walk]
[glyph of warding]
[magical vestment]
[negative plane protection]
[protection from fire]

dispel magic <d> <3/4>
protection from good, 10 r.
[protection from lightning]
[spell immunity]

dispel evil/good
[flame strike]
[plane shift]

[aerial servant]
[animate object]
[blade barrier]
[conjure animals]
symbol <6/7>
[word of recall]

[astral spell]
symbol <6/7>
unholy word

The Queen of Darkness


    The Dark Queen can take any form--male,
female, or dragon--depending upon her
needs. She can appear as the Dark Temptress,
the most beautiful, desirable woman a man
has ever seen in his life. She can appear as the
Dark Warrior, a fearsome warrior in black
armor with eyes of fire and a sword of flame or
she can transform into her favored shape, that
of the five-headed dragon.

    No matter what form the Dark Queen
takes, all those in her presence (including
those of good alignment) feel her power and
experience a sense of awe and reverence. Even
though she is evil, she is one of the three creators
of the world.

    Game statistics for Takhisis can be found in
the section on Krynn's gods (page 46).

Originally posted by Larcen
2) How do you pronounce Gygax, Ioun, Iuz, Tarrasque, Lich, and Tiamat? I pronounce them GUY-gax, Yoon, Yuz, tar-ASK, litch, and TEE-a-matt.

2. GUY-gax is how my family pronounces the name, but in proper Swiss it is pronounced GHE-gox.
As for Ioun, I say Eeun but Yoon sounds fine,
and so too Eeuse, but Yuz is okay,
We almost agree on the pronunciation of Terrasque--err-ASK TO YOUR tar-ASK,
WE HARMONIZE ON litch (many prefer lick),
and Tiamat as TEE-a-matt.

Of course Bahamut was based off of the Biblical name Behemoth, but Tiamut's five-heads were inspired only by the five colors of Evil dragon.
not the beast with seven heads and 10 horns that the Scarlet Whore of Babylon rode on before she was devoured by it from the Book of Revelation.