
Manual of the Planes

Avernus is the topmost layer of the Nine Hells,
often referred to in devilish circles as "the front parlor."
Its sky is a dark red and starless.
It is a rocky wasteland; <dmg=badlands>
the few plants are stunted && twisted.
The atmosphere of Avernus is filled with flammable vapor gathered into innumerable glowing spheres that radiate a {dim} {light}.
There is a 1 in 6 chance per TURN that a glowing region bursts into a fireball (as the spell) for 2-7 d6s of damage.
(This is reduced to a 1 in 12 chance per TURN in the traveler refrains from using open flame--torches, candles, etc.)
Many of the devils within this layer are out of favor deeper in the Hells,
but not in so much trouble that they must flee to Gehenna || Hades.
Some of the great rocky crags of this layer are actually secret shelters for greater devils who are astrally projecting.
The watchdog of the Hells' front parlor is Tiamat.

The Realms of Avernus
The Realm of Set The Realm of Kurtulmak - - -

Frequency of Devils on Avernus (The 1st Hell)
Ruler = Tiamat Abishai = C Arch = VVR Barbed = R Bearded = 0 Bone = 0 Erinyes = C Horned = 0
Ice = 0 Nupperibo = U Fiend = 0 <alt> Spined = C Styx = 0 Achaierai = R Barghest = VR Daemon = VR
Hell Cat = 0 Hell Hound = VR Hoardling = VR Imp = VR Lemure = R Mephit = C Nightmare = VR Rakshasa = VR
Stench Kow = C - - - - - - -

Die Roll Frequency
2 Arch-devil
3 Barghest
4 Daemon
5 Barbed devil
6 Achaierai
7 ?
8 Nupperibo
9 Erinyes
10 Spined devil
11 Abishai
12 Mephit
13 Stench Kow
14 Nightmare or Rakshasa
15 ?
16 Lemure
17 ?
18 Hell hound
19 Hoardling
20 Imp

* Alternately; choice of two very rare creatures.
** Alternately; choice of two rare creatures.
