White Dragon
(Draco Rigidus Frigidus)
(Frost Dragon)
(Ice Dragon)

FREQUENCY: Uncommon ([Cold Wilderness Mountains], [Cold Wilderness Forest], [Cold Wilderness Plains])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level III]) (VY: Very Young)
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Dungeon Level IV]) (Y, SA: Young, Subadult)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level V]) (YA, A: Young Adult, Adult)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VI]) (O: Old)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VII]) (VO: Very Old)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VIII]) (AN: Ancient)
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level IX]) (AN && O: Ancient && Old)

FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Wilderness Hills], [Cold Wilderness Swamp], [Cold Wilderness Desert])
FREQUENCY: Rare ([Cold Freshwater Surface])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Saltwater Surface])

MOVE : 12"/30"
HIT DICE : 5-7
% IN LAIR : 20%
NO. OF ATTACKS : 3 ~ 15 (HD 5) | 13 (HD 6-7)
DAMAGE/ATTACK : 1-4/1-4/2-16
SPECIAL ATTACKS : Breath weapon
INTELLIGENCE : Average (8-10) (low: 5-7)
ALIGNMENT : [Chaotic evil]
SIZE : L (24' long)

    Speaking : 20%
    Magic-Use : 5%
    Sleeping : 60%

5HD : LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: ?? (Sleeping)  | ?? (Magic-Use: Minor, defensive) | ?? (Sleeping and (Minor, Defensive) Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and Magic-Use)
6HD : LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: ?? (Sleeping)  | ?? (Magic-Use: Minor, defensive) | ?? (Sleeping and (Minor, Defensive) Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and Magic-Use)
7HD : LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: ?? (Sleeping)  | ?? (Magic-Use: Minor, defensive) | ?? (Sleeping and (Minor, Defensive) Magic-Use) | ?? (Sleeping and Magic-Use)

White dragons favor chilly || cold regions in which to dwell.
They lair in icy caves || deep subterranean places.
Although not as intelligent as other dragons, they are as evil and greedy as any.

The white dragon is able to attack with a claw/claw/bite or with its breath weapon - a cone of cold (frost) 7" long with a base diameter of 21/2".

Rare magic-using white dragons are able to employ a max. of four 1st level spells, gaining one at each even-numbered (2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th) age bracket,
    i.e. one spell at young age,
    a second at young adult stage,
    a third at old age,
    and the fourth at ancient status.
To determine spells usable, select randomly from the 1st level spell list.
Duplication is possible, merely indicating that the dragon can use the same spell twice, thrice, or even four times.

DLA: Unusual among dragonkind, these reptiles
have not only adapted to cold climates, they
actually prefer these over warm climes. Small
in size--only 24 feet long--and not as intelligent
as their cousins, white dragons were used
mainly as scouts during the War of the Lance.
They were also detailed to defend the Ice
Wall, a relatively unimportant region in
southern Ansalon.

White dragons attack with teeth && claws
and can breathe a cone of frost upon their
foes. Because of their low INT, few <Average (low)>
white dragons can CAST magical spells.

Sleet was the white dragon who served the
evil wizard Feal-Thas and helped guard Ice Wall Castle.

The white dragon is the sacred animal of Thrym.

XP Totals by Ardanow Silverbow

WHITE DRAGON (no additional special abilities)
Dragon, white (small, very young) 235 (310 w/spells)
Dragon, white (small, young) 250 (335 w/spells)
Dragon, white (small, sub-adult) 320 (395 w/spells)
dragon, white (small, young adult) 345 (420 w/spells)
dragon, white (small, adult) 450 (525 w/spells)
dragon, white (small, old) 475 (550 w/spells)
dragon, white (small, very old) 500 (625 w/spells)
dragon, white (small, ancient) 525 (650 w/spells)
dragon, white (average, very young) 411 (536 w/spells)
dragon, white (average, young) 447 (572 w/spells)
dragon, white (average, sub-adult) 533 (658 w/spells)
dragon, white (average, young adult) 569 (694 w/spells)
dragon, white (average, adult) 755 (880 w/spells)
dragon, white (average, old) 791 (916 w/spells)
dragon, white (average, very old) 827 952 (w/spells)
dragon, white (average, ancient) 863 (988 w/spells)
dragon, white (huge, very young) 606 (781 w/spells)
dragon, white (huge, young) 662 (837 w/spells)
dragon, white (huge, sub-adult) 768 (943 w/spells)
dragon, white (huge, young adult) 824 (999 w/spells)
dragon, white (huge, adult) 1030 (1205 w/spells)
dragon, white (huge, old) 1086 (1261 w/spells)
dragon, white (huge, very old) 1142 (1317 w/spells)
dragon, white (huge, ancient) 1198 (1373 w/spells)

Ancient White

<see dragon.tem for dragon templates (work in progress)>