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FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Wilderness Mountains], [Cold Wilderness Swamp])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Mountains], [Temperate Wilderness Swamp])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Mountains], [Tropical Wilderness Swamp])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Dungeon Level VII])
FREQUENCY: Common ([Astral Plane])

MOVE: 9"
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 ~ 12 {0 = 9 | 1 = 8 | 2 = 7 | 3 = 6 | 4 = 5 | 5 = 4 | 6 = 3 | 7 = 2 | 8 = 1 | 9 = 0 | 10 = -1}
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Sleep magic, spell use
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Hit only by iron, silver or +3 weapons, immunity to some magic
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (evil)
PSIONIC ABILITY: astral projection
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII | 1750 + 10

The race of night hags rules the convoluted planes of Hades, and they are
seldom encountered elsewhere. In their own region they are numerous,
but they appear but singly on the material plane, and always in search of
very evil persons to slay and bring to Hades to form another larvae - a
valuable commodity to both demons && devils alike.

If a night hag finds a very selfishly evil person, she will cast a powerful
sleep spell which affects even up to 12th level humans, unless a saving
throw versus magic is successful. The night hag then strangles the sleeping
victim. If the sleep spell fails, the hag will visit the victim nightly in
ethereal state, intrude on the victim's dreams in order to cause him (or
her) to become ethereal also, and then ride the victim until dawn. The
night hag cannot be removed from the back by the victim, and each
nightly ride permanently drains one point from the victim's constitution.
When a 0 CON is reached the victim is dead, and the night hag
returns to Hades with the larval soul.

Night hags hate goodness, and they will attack any creature which is of
good alignment as long as the possibilities of success appear favorable.
Night hags are able to employ a magic missile spell 3 times per day, the
missile causing 2-16 hit points of damage when it strikes. They can
likewise use a ray of enfeeblement 3 times per day. They can become
ethereal at will, as mentioned previously. Night hags also have the power
to know a creature's alignment ond polymorph themselves at will. If hard
pressed, a night hag can attempt to gate in a demon of type I or a barbed
devil (50%/50%).There is a 50% chance of the gate opening. The 'hag
dislikes doing this, as she must then reward the demon or devil with a
larva. They are totally invulnerable to sleep, charm, fear, fire, and cold
based spells. It requires a silver, iron, or + 3 or better weapon to harm a
night hag.

Night hags are able to astrally project their bodies, but in order to do so
they must be in possession of a special periapt which each forges in
Hades. If taken from a 'hag she can leave the plane she is in at the time of
the loss. This periapt will cure diseases which the possessor contracts, and
it gives a + 2 on all saving throws. However, in the hands of a good
creature, the periapt decays 10% with each usage, eventually vanishing.

Description: The night hag is a hideous dark blue-violet color, with black
hair and glowing red eyes. Her taloned hands and feet have nails of jet