SAHUAGIN (Devil Men of the Sea) (Sea Devil) (Water Devil)

By Steve Marsh

FREQUENCY: Uncommon <(not found on Krynn)>
FREQUENCY: Uncommon ([Tropical Saltwater Surface], [Tropical Saltwater Depths])
MOVE: 12"//24"
HIT DICE: 2 + 2
% IN LAIR: 25% (249 Sahuagin: ocean/salt-water sea, TPL48:8th, REF3.91)
TREASURETYPE: Individuals N; I, O, P, Q (x IO), X, Y in lair
NO. OF AttACKS: 1 or 3 or 5 ~ 16
DAMAGE/AttACK: By weapon
SPECIAL AttACKS: Possible spell use, weapons
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Sight and hearing keeness
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
SIZE: M (some L)
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: II | 35 + 3
DEITY: Sekolah
Sahuagin Baron/Noble Cleric Guard/Lieutenant King
Mutant - Prince - Sekolah

SAHUAGIN (Baron/Noble)
HIT DICE: 6 + 6
NO. OF AttACKS: 1 or 3 or 5 ~ 13
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: V | 350 + 8

SAHUAGIN (Chieftan)
HIT DICE: 4 + 4
NO. OF AttACKS: 1 or 3 or 5 ~ 15
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: III | 150 + 5


HIT DICE: 2 to 6
NO. OF AttACKS: 1 or 3 or 5 ~ 16
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Variables preclude a fixed number

SAHUAGIN (Guard/Lieutenant)

HIT DICE: 3 + 3
NO. OF AttACKS: 1 or 3 or 5 ~ 16
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: III | 85 + 4

HIT DICE: 10 + 10
NO. OF AttACKS: 1 or 3 or 5 ~ 10
DAMAGE/ATTACK: Triple damage
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VII | 1350 + 14

SAHUAGIN (Mutant) <Gamma?>
HIT DICE: 2 + 4
NO. OF AttACKS: 2 or 5 or 7 ~ 16
DAMAGE/ATTACK: By weapons or 1-2 (x4) / 1-4 / 1-4 / 1-4
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: II | 50 + 3

HIT DICE: 8 + 8
NO. OF AttACKS: 1 or 3 or 5 ~ 12
DAMAGE/ATTACK: Double damage
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: VI | 600 + 12

The sahuagin, sometimes referred to as "seadevils" or "devil men of the
deep," dwell in warm salt waters at depths of 100' to 1,500'. The lejends
about and history of these monsters will be dealt with later. Sahuagin are
predatory in the extreme, and they pose a constant threat to all living
things because they kill for sport and pleasure as well as for food. These
creatures abhor fresh water. They dislike light, and bright light (such as
that created by a light spell) is harmful to their eyes, as will be discussed
hereafter. Sahuagin will venture ashore on dark, moonless nights to raid
and plunder human villages. They hate even the evil ixitxachitl (q.v.) and
only sharks are befriended by them.

The social structure of the sahuagin is based upon rule by a king who holds
court in a vast undersea city deep beneath the waves. This overlord's
domain is divided into 9 provinces, each ruled by a prince. Each of these
nobles controls the small groups of sahuagin dwelling in his fief. This
organization mirrors that of the planes of Hell, for the sahuagin are devil

A band of sahuagin will always be led by a chieftain. He will have 1
lieutenant for every 10 members of the group. The chieftain will have 4 hit
dice + 4 hit points, and his lieutenants will each have 3 hit dice + 3 hit
points. All are in addition to the group.

If sahuagin are encountered in their lair there will be the following
additional sahuagin:

1 baron (6 hit dice + 6 hit points)
9 guards (3 hit dice + 3 hit points)
30-120 females(2 hit dice)
10-40 hatchlings (1 hit die)
20-80 eggs

Also, there is a 10% chance per 10 male sahuagin that there will be a cleric
(evil) and 1-4 assistant priestesses, for the religious life of these creatures
is dominated by the females. If a cleric is with the group in the lair, she
will be of 5th to 8th level ability, and her lesser clerics will be 3rd or 4th

There are always 2-8 sharks with sahuagin in their lair. Sahuagin are able
to make these monsters obey simple one or two word commands.

Whenever a sahuagin lair is encountered there is a 5% chance that it will
be the stronghold of a prince. The prince will have 8 hit dice +8 hit points,
9 guards of chieftain strength, and there will be 1 -- 8th level sahuagin
evil high priestess and 4 -- 4th level underclerics. The numbers of males,
females, hatchlings and eggs in a prince's lair is double the number rolled.
There will be 4-24 sharks present at all times.

Sahuagin lairs are actual villages or towns, constructed of stone. The
buildings are domed, and the seaweed and similar marine plants growing
around and on these buildings make them hard to detect.

Although these creatures do not wear armor, their scaly hides are very
tough and equal to armor class 5. Sahuagin wear a harness to carry their
personal gear and weapons. A group of these creatures is typically armed
as follows:

spear & dagger 30%
trident, net & dagger 50%
heavy crossbow (specially made) & dagger 20%

Spears are used only as thrusting weapons. Nets are set with dozens of
hooks which make escape from one virtually impossible for unarmored
victims or creatures not able to grasp and tear with a strength of 16 or
greater. Nets are replaced by 3 javelins when the band forays onto land.
The crossbows fire a maximum of 30' underwater, normally above water.
Nets are used to entrap victims. Tridents have three uses: to spear small
prey, to pin prey trapped in nets, and to hold threatening opponents at

Sahuagin are well-equipped to attack even without weapons, for they
have long, sharp claws on their webbed hands which can inflict 1-2 hit
points per attack, and they can use both simultaneously. Their powerful
rear legs are likewise taloned, and if they kick an opponent with them
they inflict 1-4 hit points damage with each hit from either foot. The
sahuagin's mouth is filled with teeth and fangs, and if one successfully
bites an opponent, from 1-4 points of damage will be inflicted. Thus it is
possible for an unarmed sahuagin to attack 3 or 5 times in a melee round
causing 1-2/1-2/1-4 and 1-4/1-4 if the legs can rake.

The eyes and ears of these monsters are particularly keen. Sahuagin can
see 30" underwater at 100' depth. For each 100' of greater depth, their
vision is reduced 1", i.e. at 500 they can see 26", at 1,000 they can see 21".
Their ears are so sharp as to be able to detect the clinking of metal at 1
mile, or a boat oar splashing at the same distance. However, at 24" or less
their ears cannot detect the sounds of swimming or similar noise, although
the sahuagin can still hear metallic or other clanks, clicks, thuds, etc.

Sahuagin speak their own tongue, and some are evidently able to
converse with the ixitxachitl in their own language.


Description: A typical sahuagin is blackish green on the back shading to
green on the belly. The fins are black. The great staring eyes are deep,
shining black. About 1 in 216 sahuagin is a mutation with 4 arms which are
completely usable. These specimens are usually black shading to gray.
Females are indistinguishable from males, except that they are slightly
smaller. Hatchlings are light colored, but they darken and attain full
growth approximately 1-2 months after hatching.


History and Legend: The sahuagin are chronicled because of their evil,
having time and again raided the land, desolating whole coasts, and, of
course, destroying passing ships continually. The exact origin of the
sahuagin is unknown. It is suggested that they were created from a nation
of particularly evil humans by the most powerful of lawful evil gods in
order to preserve them when the deluge came upon the earth. The tritons,
however, are purported to have stated that sahuagin are distantly related
to the sea elves, claiming that the drow spawned the sahuagin.


Few persons have survived capture by the sahuagin, for prisoners are
usually imprisoned, tortured, and eaten. Creatures taken alive are brought
to the sahuagins' lair and confined in cells. Although sahuagin are able to
stay out of water for up to 4 hours, there is no air in the confinement areas
in the typical village, but in the towns of the nobles there are special
quarters to maintain air-breathing creatures. The sahuagin will set aside a
few prisoners to torture and provide sport -- typically a fight to the death
between two different creatures in an arena. The bulk of captives are
simply killed and eaten. It is seldom that any prisoner escapes, although
the sahuagin find sport in allowing captives to think that they have found
freedom, only to be encircled by sadistic guards while a school of sharks
come for the kill.

<'skana' is a word in some Pacific American language>
<skana means 'supernatural one'>
<thanks to THE CULT>
<1985: what is the price of sanctuary?>

The sahuagin are cruel and brutal, the strongest always bullying the
weaker. Any injured, disabled, or infirm specimen will be slain and eaten
by these cannibalistic monsters. Even imperfect hatchlings are dealt with
in this fashion. This strict law has developed a strong race, however, and
any leader is always subject to challenge. Sahuagin never stop growing,
although they grow slowly, and death comes to most before many years
allow growth to large size. Leaders are the largest and strongest. It is
reported that the 9 princes of the sahuagin are each of the 4-armed sort, as
is the king. In any event, the loser of a challenge duel is always slain -- in
combat or afterwards. Duels are fought without weapons, only fang and
claw being permitted.


The king is supposed to inhabit a city somewhere at the greatest depth
sahuagin can exist. This place is supposedly built in an undersea canyon,
with palaces and dwellings built along either face. There, fully 5,000 of
these monsters dwell, not counting the king's retinue of queens,
concubines, nobles, guards, etc. said to number 1,000 or more. The king of
the sahuagin is reported as huge of size (10 hit dice + 10 hit points) and of
greatest evil. He is always accompanied by 9 noble guards (6 hit dice + 6)
and the evil high priestess of all sahuagin, with her train of 9 under-clerics.