Charm Monster

L^: mu4
R#: 6"
D^: S
C^: v.s
CT: 4
S^: Neg.
A^: S
psionic encounter: 25%
MP: 80

Effect: This spell is similar to a charm person spell (q.v.),
but it will affect any living creature -- or several creatures of lesser level as xplained hereafter.

The magic-user casts the charm monster spell, and any affected creature regards the spell caster as friendly,
an ally or companion to be treated well or guarded from harm.
If communication is possible, the charmed creature will follow reasonable requests,
instructions, or orders most faithfully (cf. suggestion spell).
Affected creatures will eventually come out from under the influence of the spell,
and the probability of such breaking of a charm monster spell is a function of the creature’s level,
i.e. its number of HD:
Monster Level
or HD
Percent Chance/
Week of Breaking Spell
1st or up to 2 5%
2nd or up to 3 + 2 10%
3rd or up to 4 + 4 15%
4th or up to 6 25%
5th or up to 7 + 2 35%
6th or up to 8 + 4 45%
7th or up to 10 60%
8th or up to 12 75%
9th or over 12 90%

Naturally, overtly hostile acts by the person charming the monster will automatically break the spell,
or at the very least allow the monster a new saving throw versus the charm.
The spell will affect from 2-8 1st level creatures,
1-4 2nd level creatures,
1 or 2 3rd level,
or 1 creature of 4th ar higher level.

DMG: It is needful to point out that this spell does not suddenly empower the caster,
or his or her associated characters,
with any special means of communications.
If the caster is unable to convey to the charmed creature his or her instructions,
then the monster will simply refrain from harming the spell caster,
and the others in the AREA,
if any, will still be subject to its attentions, hostile or otherwise.
Similar to a charm person spell, if damage is inflicted on the charmee at the same time (round) as the spell is cast,
then the saving throw is made at + 1 for each 1 point of damage so inflicted.

Charm Monster: See comments on the 
2nd-level druidic spell charm person 
or mammal
(Imagine #29)