
L^: i4, wj4
R#: (1")*
D^: S
C^: v.s
CT: 4
S^: Neg.
A^: 4" x 4" area

Duration: The spell lasts as long as the illusionist continues to concentrate on projecting the chosen emotion.

Effect: When this spell is CAST, the illusionist can project his or her choice of 1 of the following 4 emotions:

1. Fear:

This is the same as the spell of the same name, but as it is not illusionary, the saving throw is made at -2.
It counters/is countered by rage.

2. Hate:

The effect of {hate} is to raise morale, saving throw dice, "to hit" dice, and damage done by +2.
It counters/is countered by hopelessness.

3. Hopelessness: This has the same effect as the hopelessness symbol.
It counters/is countered by hate.

4. Rage:

The rage emotion causes the recipient to become berserk,
attack at a + 1 on the "to hit" dice, do +3 HP of damage, and gives a temporary +5 hit points to the enraged creature.
The recipient will fight without shield, and regardless of life as well.
It counters/is countered by fear.

Wu Jen: Wielding this spell the wu jen may project one of the following four emotions, which last as long as the wu jen concentrates:

    1. Fear: Those failing to save vs. spell flee the wu jen in panic, moving at maximum rate, and may drop items in their hands. Saving throws are at 2, and may be countered by Rage.

    2. Hate: Raises morale, saving throws, hit rolls, and damage by + 2. It is countered by Hopelessness.

    3. Hopelessness: Affected creatures turn in dejection and submit to the demands of the wu jen. It lasts for 3-12 rounds and is countered by Hate.

    4. Rage: The recipient becomes berserk, is + 1 to hit, + 3 on damage, and gains 5 additional hit points temporarily. It is countered by Fear.