
Energy Control

R^: 0 SPC^: S  D^: S  S^: None  A^: 10' radius of individual 

Effect: This science allows the possessor to channel energies directed at or in the presence of his or her body so as to make
such energies harmless or dissipate them.

If a spell or energy weapon (fiery breath, lightning, cold, etc.) is directed towards the psionic individual's AREA,
it will not harm him or her provided the individual expends 1 strength point per spell level (or die of damage normally delivered by the energy).

Q: Can a character with the discipline of energy control negate
the effects of a powerful spell such as wish, feeblemind, or disintegrate?
Does 'spell level' refer to the level of the spell caster throwing the spell at the psionic character,
or to the level of the spell on the spell tables in the PH?

A: Because the description of the discipline doesn't specifically
exclude any types of energy, we can assume that energy control
works against even the most powerful magic. If the "die of-damage
normally delivered by the energy" is not applicable or able to
be determined, then the point cost of this discipline is equal to
the minimum level of spell caster able to employ the spell which
produces the effect. (This interpretation makes the use of energy control
against powerful magic reasonably expensive, as it
should be; under a different interpretation, it might only cost 9
points to undo a wish, and that doesn't seem like much of a price
to pay.)
    Thus, it costs 18 points to negate the effects of a wish, whether
the wish was in the form of a cast spell, a scroll spell, or from a
ring, because a caster employing a wish spell must be at least
18th level to cast it. By the same reasoning, dissipating a feeblemind
spell costs 11 points, and negating a disintegrate spell costs
12 points.

ADQ: When using the psionic discipline 
of energy control, can the psionic character 
choose which spells he will allow to 
ADQ: Psionic energy control should be 
tightly controlled by any DM wishing to 
retain any shred of Game balance. This 
Major Science is far too powerful as it 
stands, and will be revised or deleted in the 
future. For Now, we recommend that its use 
be balanced by a simple addition; if the 
psionic character ever suffers a "P" or "W" 
result (from a Mind Thrust or Ego Whip 
attack), this will automatically be the ability 
damaged or removed, and its loss (if a "P" 
result) cannot be restored by any means 
    To your question; as currently described, 
energy control can be used against any one 
or more attacks directed at and approaching 
within 10' of the psionic, with no other 
limit except that dictated by the psionic's 
total power. 
(Polyhedron #25)

