Reversible: Reduce (Shrink: D39)
Save: Unwilling victims of the spell, or its reverse, are entitled to a save, which, if successful, indicates the magic does not function, and the spell is wasted.
Effect: This spell
causes instant growth of a creature or object.
Enlargement causes increase
in both size and weight.
It can be cast upon only
a single creature or obiect.
Spell range is 1/2'' for
each level of experience of the M,
and its duration is 1 turn
per level of experience of the spell caster.
The effect of the enlargement
spell is to increase the size of a living creature (or a symbiotic or community
by 20% per level of experience
of the magic-user, with a maximum additional growth of 200%.
The effect on obiects is
one-half that of creatures, i.e. 10% per level to a 100% maximum additional
The creature or object must
be seen in order to effect the spell.
The maximum volume of living
material which can be initially affected is 10 cubic feet
-- for non-living matter,
5 cubic feet --
per level of the MU.
While magical properties
are not increased by this spell -- a huge +1 sword is still only +1,
a staff-sized wand is still
only capable of its normal functions,
a giant-sized potion merely
requires a greater fluid intake to make its magical effects operate, etc.
-- weight, mass and strength
Thus, a table blocking a
door would be heavier and more effective; a hurled stone would have more
(and be more hurtful providing
enlargement took place just prior to impact);
chains would be more massive;
doors thicker;
a thin line turned to a
sizable, longer rope; and so on.
Likewise, a person 12' tall
would be as an ogre, while an 18' tall person
would actually be a giant for the duration of the spell.
MC: A pinch of powdered iron.
DMG: All garments
and equipment worn by a subject of this spell should be considered to automatically
drop off if held by straps or fasteners,
otherwise to split away
during growth,
so it is not possible to
“squeeze someone to death in their armor” by means of an enlarge.
Material components possessed
will not change size.
Coats of mail, however,
will be ruined if growth occurs while worn.
Note that you can opt to
make a target wearing objects an impossible task for an enlarge
spell unless the character is actually touched so as to distinguish the
creature from the objects.
Q: An 11th level Magic-User
used an
Enlarge spell on
a monk, and zapped him
up to triple size. I ruled
that, logically, the
monk could stun opponents
of triple the
size indicated. Well, the
monk hit with a
20, made the percentage
roll, and killed a
storm giant with a single
blow. What
should I have done?
A: I'd have probably
done the same
thing, but now (learning
from your results)
I'd say that you should
figure the additional
size of the monk, in feet,
and add
that to the sizes given.
For example, if a
6' tall monk of 9th level
were thus treated,
he'd gain 12', so he could
affect creatures
up to 18' 10" tall. That
rules out the
storm giant (21'), but it's
still very powerful.
Hmmm -- we must get Gary's
on this one. Watch for a
future update.
(Polyhedron #11)
Enlarge: Shrewd players may have noted
that objects are not so greatly affected by
this spell as creatures. The DMG
makes it plain that 1 cannot 'squeeze
someone to death in their armor' with
this spell, because 'all garments and
equipment worn by a subject of this spell
should be considered to automatically
drop off if held by straps, fasteners,
otherwise to split away during growth....
Coats of mail, however, will be ruined if
growth occurs while worn.' Unofficially,
DMs might like to consider the possibility
of giving magickal armor a save
(perhaps as against a crushing blow)
here. An option mentioned by the DMG is
that an unwilling recipient of this spell
must be touched in order for the spell to
affect it, and of course there is a save.
Players who like the idea of doing
in armored enemies with this spell
should negotiate with their DM.
<cf. article in BD4>
(Imagine #29)
The reverse spell, reduce,
will negate the effects or actually make creatures or objects smaller in
the same ratios as the regular spell application functions.
Unwilling victims of the
spell, or its reverse, are entitled to a save, which, if successful, indicates
the magic does not function, and the spell is wasted.
Q: The enlarge spell
states that, when
reversed, it will "make
creatures or objects
smaller in the same ratios...."
So if
my 5th level M-U casts this
on a troll, and
it fails its saving throw,
it shrinks 100%
--and disappears! Where
have I gone wrong?
A: In the math. The
key word is ratio.
When that level M-U casts
the enlarge
version, thecreature ends
up twice the
normal size; 2:1 ratio,
comparing the
result to the original.
The shrink version
gives the opposite result,
a 1:2 ratio -- or
in other words, down to
the original
siz. The spell states that
there's a maximum
of 200% enlargement. In
words, a 6' creature can
add 12' maximum,
to end up 18' tall, or (18
divided by 6) a
3:1 ratio; therefore, the
smallest possible
shrink is 1:3, or one-third
the original
It's only a first level
(Polyhedron #5)
Bombay wrote:
Gary, once again thanks
for answering our questions. I feel like I ask one too many, but being
still "New" to 1e ed DND, I have alot of questions.
This one is to the spell "Enlarge", was it ment to increase only size? Or would you include Hit Points, Attacks, Hit Dice? We have played that we increase everything, so if your enlraged 100%, you double your Hit Points, your attack of 1-8 is now 2-16(we are not talking of weapons etc... this is mostly just animals.)
We have had some nasty encounters
with Dragons that Enlarge themselves, and breath a breath weapo....
Enlarge affects only size.
It isn't a superspell, after
all;) I could have sworn I mentioned the enlarged subject did not gain
any added benefits from size...
Originally Posted by Henry
While I've never seen the
child impersonation myself, I did see someone impersonate an Adult giant
before! In a North Carolina ENWorld Gameday, the party facing the Steading
killed a giant at the door by stealth, then used an Enlarge spell and the
giant's furs to have one of the burliest party members impersonate a grown
hill giant. (That spell lasts a heck of a long time in 1E!) He used this
ruse to both lead and corral the hill giant kids (where they were attacked
and killed), and to approach an amorous hill giant subchief's woman (drunk
and half-asleep in the bed anyway) so he could pull a Lizzie Borden on
her. Nasty, but definitely different. <big grin>
It is always amusing and
informative to learn how players use their ingenuity to accomplish missions
taught all of his apprentices the enlarge spell for such possibility...and
to give them a healing sans cleric