object |
Effect: The spell of exorcism will negote possession of a creature or an object by any outside || supernatural force.
This includes control of
a creature by some force in an obiect,
possession by magic
jar (q.v.) spell,
demonic possession,
and even charm,
for the exorcise spell is
similar to a dispel magic spell.
it will affect a magical
item if such is the object of the exorcism.
Thus a soul object of ony
sort which comes under successful exorcism will make the life force of
the creature concerned wholly inhabit its nearest material body, wholly
and completely.
(Cf. AD&D,
The exorcise spell, once
begun, cannot be interrupted, or else it is spoiled and useless.
The base chance for success
is a random 1% to 100%.
Each turn of exorcism the
dice are rolled, and if the base chance number, or less, is rolled, the
spell is successful.
Base chance of success is
modified by -1% for each level of difference between the cleric's level
of experience and the level of the possessor or possessing magic,
where the smaller number
is the cleric's level.
In the obverse, a +1% cumulative
is added.
The referee can determine
base chance according to the existing circumstances if he or she so desires.
MC: Material components
for this spell ore the holy object ofthe cleric and holy water
(or unholy, in the case-of
evil clerics, with respect to object and water).
A religious artifact or
relic can increase the chance of success by from 1% to 50%, according to
the power of the artifact || relic.
Shukenja: This spell
negates control of a creature or object from possession, curse, or charm,
as well as neutralizing a soul object, forcing the soul within to occupy
its nearest body.
Roll 1d100; this is the
base chance of success (plus or minus 1 % for each level of difference
between the caster and the possessor or possessing
magic). Roll 1d100 every
turn to check for success. Other factors may affect the roll, including
holy artifacts
and relics, which can add
1-50% to the chance of success. Ten percent is added to success if held
in a temple.
Shukenja.MC: The shukenja's
holy symbol && holy water.
Originally Posted by King_Barrowclaw
Hello Mr. Gygax!
I know you get this alot but I have to say, thanks for your excellent work in this hobby. I've been gaming with your rules since Chainmail, boxed set days and despite having my books burned on four separate occasions by well-meaning people and being threatened with an exorcism I've hung in there and am still enjoying this hobby.
A pleasure to post to you sir.
As for the foolishness evidenced
about the D&D game, often by well-meaning people,
I suppose that it demosntrates
we are not so far removed from the Salem Witchhunt despite the centuries
that have passed and the supposed gain of enlightenment.
Exorcism indeed
Originally Posted by King_Barrowclaw
Concerning my lost books.
You are right. The more we change the more we stay the same, eh? Do you
know that I was actually blamed for the deaths of several parishioners
at the local church? It was felt that since I was playing this "evil game"
that God was punishing them by not answering prayers for healing. My head
hurts just thinking about it. Oh well. I was just sad to lose all my original
gaming stuff.
Well, thanks again. I will feel free to pick your brains from time to time and just read the posts to get some great ideas.
Take care, sir.
That sort of thinking about
God punishing people here ios medieval...and quite unscriptiral
Come on back anytime.